This is a my latest project 'student Management System' create with inquirer, chalk and node.js.
Student Management System
This project is a simple console-based Student Management System built using TypeScript and Inquirer.js. The system allows users to manage student data by performing various operations such as adding new students, generating unique student IDs, enrolling students in courses, viewing balances, paying tuition fees, showing student status, updating student details, and deleting students.
Enroll Student in Course: Enrolls a student in a course by specifying the course name. Each course costs $600, which is added to the student's tuition balance.
View Balance: Displays the tuition balance of a selected student.
Pay Tuition: Allows the user to pay a specified amount towards a student's tuition balance.
Show Status: Displays all details of a selected student, including their name, student ID, enrolled courses, and tuition balance.
Update Student: Enables the user to update a student's name and enrolled courses.
Delete Student: Removes a student's record from the system.
Technologies Used
TypeScript: A strongly typed programming language that builds on JavaScript, giving you better tooling at any scale.
Inquirer.js: A collection of common interactive command-line user interfaces.
Getting Started
Node.js: Ensure you have Node.js installed on your machine. You can download it from Node.js official website.
Clone the Repository:
bash Copy code git clone cd student-management-system
Install Dependencies:
bash Copy code npm install Compile TypeScript Code:
bash Copy code tsc Running the Application Start the Application:
bash Copy code node StudentManagementSystem.js Follow the Prompts: The application will guide you through various operations via an interactive command-line interface.
Add Student: Follow the prompt to enter the student's name. The system will generate a unique student ID. Enroll Student in Course: Select a student and specify the course name to enroll them in the course. View Balance: Select a student to view their current tuition balance. Pay Tuition: Select a student and enter the amount to pay towards their tuition balance. Show Status: Select a student to view their details, including name, student ID, enrolled courses, and balance. Update Student: Select a student to update their name and enrolled courses. Delete Student: Select a student to remove their record from the system. Example Here's a simple example of how the interaction with the system looks like:
Main Menu:
sql Copy code Select an action:
Add Student Enroll Student in Course View Balance Pay Tuition Show Status Update Student Delete Student Exit Adding a Student:
yaml Copy code Enter student name: John Doe Student John Doe added with ID: 10000 Enrolling in a Course:
yaml Copy code Select student: John Doe Enter course name: Mathematics Enrolled in course: Mathematics Viewing Balance:
yaml Copy code Select student: John Doe Tuition Balance: $600
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and submit a pull request.
Inquirer.js: For providing an excellent library to create interactive command-line user interfaces. Contact For any questions or suggestions, please contact [[email protected]].