React + Redux + Express server side render template
SSR React + Express
This project is a bootstrap starting point to rendering React on an Express Server. It has been preconfigured with options to run React with TypeSript, react-router, and Redux. It has also been preconfigured with deployment options amd optimization
Getting Started
npm install: yarn add:
npm start: starts project with pm2 and HMR npm stop: removes the server process from pm2 npm logs: shows pm2 logs npm build: builds production bundle
To run with JavaScript: - Change all .tsx files to .js - Configure .eslintrc.js - Remove typescript preset from .babelrc - Remove .ts and .tsx extensions on resolve.extensions on webpack.config.js file - Change test: /.(js|ts|tsx)$/ to /.js$/ on module.rules.test on webpack.config.js file
To run with Redux: - Set up action types and AppActions on Types folder - Under Redux folder: - Set up Reducers - Set up Actions - Uncomment configureStore.ts file and configure as custom setup needs - On App.tsx: - Uncomment Provider and Store imports and uncomment Provider Tags
To run with react-router - Uncomment react-router-dom import - Uncomment, Copy, and Paste and tags on App render function inside tags and insert components - Refer to react-router-dom for documentation on how to hanlde routes for components
- Upgrade dependencies -> yarn upgrade-interactive
- Separate Bundle files into two, vendor files and app files
- Change entry to an object with two properties, each having their libraries and packages as entry arrays
- Inclue CommonsChunkPlugin into webpack plugins arrays
- Change output file to [name].bundle.js for both bundle files to inject into ejs template
- Include both filenames to ejs template : vendor.bundle.js
- run npm build
- compile Node
- run npm compile
- change babel presets to:
- "presets": ["@babel/preset-react", "@babel/preset-typescript" ["@babel/preset-env": { "targets": { "node": "current" } }]]
- change webpack configuration to compile to browsers
- use: { loader: "babel-loader", options: { presets: ["react", "env","other","plugins"] }} -run npm startProd
Built With
- React, React-DOM
- Redux
- Express
- react-router
- Webpack
- Babel
- **Diego Vega