A set of componets that apply css keyframe animation on scroll action.
There are element wrapers that you can import to use in you website for scroll animations.
There is only one element curently.
import {ScrollShow} from "ssfx";
ScrollShow hase a few attributes:
animation - enter the global css keyframes animation you want to use along with other animation functions like: duration, easeing, daley, etc...
<ScrollShow animation="keyframename 1s ease-in"> ... </ScrollShow>
fromTopShowAtPercent - a number that determans at witch persentage from top of screen to show the animation.
// Show the animation as soon as the animated element enter the screen. <ScrollShow animation="keyframename 1s ease-in" fromTopShowAtPercent={100} > ... </ScrollShow> // Show the element anim. as soon as it reaches half way on the screen <ScrollShow animation="keyframename 1s ease-in" fromTopShowAtPercent={50} > ... </ScrollShow>
fromTopHideAtPercent - this is simular as fromTopShowAtPercent but it determan the persentage at witch to reset the element anim to be played again.
// resets the element anim as soon as it exits on the bottom of the screen. <ScrollShow animation="keyframename 1s ease-in" fromTopShowAtPercent={50} fromTopHideAtPercent={100} > ... </ScrollShow>
defaultStyle - the default style attrib. value that the element return to after the anim is reset. The default is
opacity: 0;
animate_just_once - if this value is set the fromTopHideAtPercent attrib. is no loger needed and the element animation wont reset after exiting the screen and it will play only once.