keyfile operations for ssb
supplies key loading and other cryptographic functions needed in secure-scuttlebutt apps.
var ssbkeys = require('ssb-keys')
//usually, load keys like this
var keys = ssbkeys.loadOrCreateSync(filename)
/* => {
id: String,
public: String,
private: String
//but for testing, .generate() is useful.
var keys = ssbkeys.generate()
/* => {
id: String,
public: String,
private: String
//hmac_key is a fixed value that applies to _THIS_ signature use, see below.
var obj = ssbkeys.signObj(k, hmac_key, { foo: 'bar' })
console.log(obj) /* => {
foo: 'bar',
signature: ...
} */
ssbkeys.verifyObj(k, hmac_key, obj) // => true
hash (data, encoding)
Returns the sha256 hash of a given data. If encoding is not provided then it is assumed to be binary.
getTag (string)
The SSB IDs contain a tag at the end. This function returns it. So if you have a string like @gaQw6zD4pHrg8zmrqku24zTSAINhRg=.ed25519
this function would return ed25519
. This is useful as SSB start providing features for different encryption methods and cyphers.
loadOrCreateSync (filename)
Load a file containing the your private key. the file will also contain a comment with a warning about keeping the file secret.
Works in the browser, or stores the keys is localStorage in the browser. (web apps should be hosted a secure way, for example web-bootloader)
If the file does not exist it will be created. there is also
variations and parts loadOrCreate
(async), load
, create
. But since you only need to load once,
using the combined function is easiest.
generate(curve, seed)
generate a key, with optional seed.
curve defaults to ed25519
(and no other type is currently supported)
seed should be a 32 byte buffer.
Output is in the form
"curve": "ed25519", // Our current eliptic curve
"public": "fHlqm8WWP4ODtsuXazhJR66YrmhOWcmqae4LxXPHn0o=.ed25519", // format: key.curve
"private": "++uy5C8c0q+RpkyDQogzYSN4py3gL3m/qCN2YKE1snp8eWqbxZY/g4O2y5drOElHrpiuaE5Zyapp7gvFc8efSg==.ed25519", // format: key.curve
"id": "@fHlqm8WWP4ODtsuXazhJR66YrmhOWcmqae4LxXPHn0o=" // format: @public_key
- The public key consists of 32 bytes base64 encoded.
- The private key consists of 64 bytes base64 encoded.
- The first 32 bytes of the private key are the 32 random bytes which make up the actual secret part of the private key.
- The remaining 32 bytes of the private key are identical to the public key.
signObj(keys, hmac_key?, obj)
signs a javascript object, and then adds a signature property to it.
If hmac_key
is provided, the object is hmaced before signing,
which means it cannot be verified without the correct hmac_key
If each way that signatures are used in your application use a different
hmac key, it means that a signature intended for one use cannot be reused in another
(chosen protocol attack)
verifyObj(keys, hmac_key?, obj)
verify a signed object. hmac_key
must be the same value as passed to signObj
box(msg, recipients)
encrypt a message to many recipients. msg will be JSON encoded, then encrypted with private-box
unbox (boxed, keys)
decrypt a message encrypted with box
. If the boxed
successfully decrypted,
the parsed JSON is returned, if not, undefined
is returned.
unboxKey (boxed, keys)
TODO: Needs more info.
unboxBody (boxed, key)
decrypt a message. TODO: fill this with extra info.