New graphical authentication system that allows user to create their password by either using the tile position on the grid or the symbol depicted on the tile. Such authentication not only increases the safety of users and the systems, but also provides a
Squares N Symbols
New graphical authentication system that allows user to create their password by either using the tile position on the grid or the symbol depicted on the tile. Such authentication not only increases the safety of users and the systems, but also provides a more user friendly way of authentication
Register Element - element used to create a new password
Login Element - element used to login with existing user
ForgotPw Element - element used to provide users a way to inform, that they have forgotten their password
ResetPw Element - element used to provide users a way to enter a new password that would replace the old one
SpecialLogin Element - element used to provide users a way to login, after certain limitations (for example, if failed login attempt limit is used on the system, after reaching the limit, system could email user a link to the window with this element, to ensure safe and authorized login)
Note: none of the elements are mandatory, they all function independently of each other
Register Element:
RegisterApiCall - function to be invoked, after user clicks 'Register'
AfterRegisterRedirect - redirection to be invoked after successful registration
SymbolsPath - path to where all symbols used by the system are placed
Login Element:
LoginApiCall - function to be invoked, after user clicks 'Login'
SetUser - function to be invoked to set the user who logged in successfully
AfterLoginRedirect - redirection to be invoked after successful login
SymbolsPath - path to where all symbols used by the system are placed
ForgotPw Element:
ForgotPwApiCall - function to be invoked, after user clicks 'Send password reset email'
ResetPw Element:
ResetApiCall - function to be invoked, after user clicks 'Set new password'
AfterResetRedirect - redirection to be invoked after successful password change
SymbolsPath - path to where all symbols used by the system are placed
Email - email of user whose password will be changed
SpecialLogin Element:
SpecialLoginApiCall - function to be invoked, after user clicks 'Login'
SetUser - function to be invoked to set the user who logged in successfully
AfterSpecialLoginRedirect - redirection to be invoked after successful login
SymbolsPath - path to where all symbols used by the system are placed
Email - email of user who is trying to login