SQLite ORM with a web admin
SQLite 95 / ORM
SQLite ORM with a web admin.
- Table declaration: need UNIQUE and INDEX
- table logs / errors ?
- SQL: group, having.
- Table.lastQuery for debug.
- handle enum / bool / date in the admin form.
- make server start command runnable from any directory.
- write a complete Getting started guide https://khalilstemmler.com/blogs/typescript/node-starter-project/
- search in admin
- set port / suffix / database name from the admin (editor of .env)
- start the front server from the admin (with dev mode)
- hide Bun error 500 page on production
- add more Response types: redirection, image, etc...
- /admin should redirect to /admin/ automatically
- dynamique controllers routing
- encode crash if value is wrong (eg: null instead of null)
How to publish new version
- bun test
- cd admin-webapp && bun install && bun run build
- cd root of project
- npm version patch|minor|major
- npm publish --dry-run
- npm publish
How to run on production
Create .env file
Use Bun >= 1.0.0 (not compatible with Node)
pm2 start src/index.jsm
Add Nginx proxy for HTTPS
Or, if really needed, use args: PORT=3300 BASE_PATH=/sqlite-admin pm2 start --node-args "--es-module-specifier-resolution=node" server/index.js --name sqlite-admin
Cannot GET /admin/
, Can not access admin interface:
- Check for empty PREFIX, can cause bad URL like http://localhost//admin/
- The node command MUST be run from the server project directory
- Check node_module/sqlite-95/admin-webapp/public exists
- works offline
- does not handle bigint
- write doc about dates UTC and server scripts
- desktop ideas: see endpoints logs / visitors / web server / env variables
- SELECT name, SUM("pgsize") FROM "dbstat" GROUP BY name;