Updatable (live) table for SQL Performance Counters data, with syntax coloring and formatting too
Updatable (live) HTML table for sql-performance-counters data, with syntax coloring and formatting too.
It looks like this:
Clicking a query will expand it into the formatted version.
Clicking a column will sort the table.
When updating with new data, the table is updated and sorted in place for performance.
npm i sql-performance-counters-ui
(and, if you don't have a build system):
<!-- NEVER serve static content directly from node_modules! Just illustrating the file paths here. -->
<script src="/node_modules/sql-formatter/dist/sql-formatter.min.js"></script>
<!-- https://highlightjs.org/download/ to create your own custom minified build -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/highlight.js/styles/tomorrow-night.css">
<script src="/path/to/highlight.js/highlight.pack.js"></script>
<script src="/node_modules/sql-performance-counters-ui/dist/browser/sql-performance-counters-ui.js"></script>
// The SQLPerformanceTable class is available globally on the window object.
new SQLPerformanceTable();
Both hljs
(highlight.js) and sqlFormatter
(sql-formatter) are optional wether using a build system or not.
When using a build system they can be excluded from the build (Webpack externals) and all will work fine without them.
See SQLPerformanceTable.js for public methods, usage and customizable defaults (like translations).
// If not already on window, import or require.
const SQLPerformanceTable = require("sql-performance-counters-ui").SQLPerformanceTable;
const sqlPerformanceTable = new SQLPerformanceTable(navigator.language);
async() => {
const objSQLPerformanceCounters = await yourAPIClient.sql_performance_counters();
sqlPerformanceTable.update(objSQLPerformanceCounters, /*bClearExisting*/ true);
// If bClearExisting is false (the default), objSQLPerformanceCounters is allowed to contain partial data to only update recent changes.
// When clearing data on the server, either specify bClearExisting as true, or call SQLPerformanceTable.clear() directly.
30 * 1000
// When the table isn't needed anymore, call the destructor to remove event listeners, references and remove the HTMLTable element from the DOM.