A quick and simple command-line interface (CLI) tool for managing database migrations, supporting different database systems. This CLI tool also allows you to generate, apply, and revert database migrations while providing a command to create a new database if needed.
What makes this different from db-migrate or sequelize migrations? This program focuses on using only pure SQL files while avoiding adding any extra javascript files into your project. This allows you to practice writing with SQL while still having an easy way to handle migrations without the extra javascript clutter that other libraries require. While removing js and using only SQL files keeps it simple and good for learning, it doesn't provide a way to easily transfer from one database dialect to another (e.g. MySQL to PostgreSQL).
Usage: sql-migrator-cli [options] [command]
-V, --version output the version number
-e, --env <path> environment path (default: ".env")
-c, --config <path> config path (default: "migrations.json")
-h, --help display help for command
config show all config values being used
gen [options] <migration-name> generate migration files
db [options] sets up a database connection
help [command] display help for command
Usage: sql-migrator-cli db [options] [command]
sets up a database connection
-d, --driver <name> database driver (default: config file)
-url <value> database connection url (default: config file)
-host <name> database host (default: config file)
-p, --port <value> database port (default: config file)
-db, --database <name> database name (default: config file)
-u, --user <name> the user for the database (default: config file)
-pw, --password <value> the password for the database user (default: config file)
-h, --help display help for command (default: config file)
create [name] create a database with migration table
create:table [name] create a table for migrations
up [options] [table] apply all migrations
down [options] [table] undo migrations
check [options] [table] check status of migrations
help [command] display help for command
Install sql-migrator-cli globally:
npm i -g sql-migrator-cli
Use the appropriate flags or simply add a config file (default is "migrations.json", you can change this with the -c or --config flag). You can also pass environment variables to the json file!
"driver": "pg",
"database": "my_database",
"host": "localhost",
"password": { "env": "DB_PASSWORD" },
"port": 5432,
"user": "user",
"table": "migrations",
"migrationsDir": "./migrations"
Generate migration files, then write your SQL:
sql-migrator gen my-first-migration
Create a database with migrations table:
sql-migrator db create
Run migrations:
sql-migrator db up
No config json file, no problem:
sql-migrator db -d pg -db my_database --host localhost -p 5432 -pw supersecret -u postgres up migrations_table -f ./migration-files