sq_ansi is a package that will let you color your text and manipulate it's font easily and quickly while also looking good.
Version 1.0.0 (BETA)
sq_ansi is a package that will let you color text and manipulat fonts in your console easily!
npm i ansi.js@latest
(suggestions or bugs can be reported to "sqmeone" on discord)
How to use
In your code you can either import example or read here to get started
const { example } = require("anci.js");
console.log(example.textColors()) // will log all text colors and how to get them
console.log(example.bgColors()) // will log all text background colors and how to get them
console.log(example.howToCombine()) // will log examples of how to combine multiple features together
// How to get text colors
const { colors } = require("sq_ansi") //import { colors } from "sq_ansi" if you use mjs
console.log(colors.red("Red text"))
console.log(colors.blue("Blue text"))
console.log(colors.green("Green text"))
console.log(colors.bg.red("Red highlight"))
console.log(colors.bg.blue("Blue highlight"))
console.log(colors.bg.green("Green highlight"))
// How to get fonts
const { fonts } = require("sq_ansi") //import { fonts } from "sq_ansi" if you use mjs
console.log(fonts.bold("Bolded text"))
console.log(fonts.underline("Bolded text"))
console.log(fonts.strike("Striked text"))
// How to combine them
const { colors, fonts } = require("sq_ansi") //import { colors, fonts } from "sq_ansi" if you use mjs
console.log(colors.red(fonts.bold("Bolded red text")))
console.log(fonts.underline(colors.red(colors.bg.magenta("Underlined red text with a magenta highlight"))))