npm package discovery and stats viewer.

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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2025 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




ShareP0oint Rest Api Wrappers




I only modify work of DroopyTersen for specific usage, use original package for your project :)

Original package -> Visit for full documentation.


Getting Started

Install NPM Pacakge: NPM Package

npm install spscript


Most SPScript methods require an SPScript Context

var ctx = SPScript.createContext();

You can also pass an explicit url. If you don't pass a url, it will use your current web.

var siteUrl = "";
// If you don't pass a site url, it will use your current web
var ctx = SPScript.createContext(siteUrl);


Core HTTP Request Helpers

  • ctx.get(url, opts) - Generic helper to make AJAX GET request. Sets proper headers, promisifies, and parses JSON response. url is the API url relative to "/_api".
  •, body, opts) - Generic helper to make AJAX POST request. url is the API url relative to "/_api".
  • ctx.authorizedPost(url, body, opts) - Same as except that it also takes care of including the proper authorization headers.

Auth Helpers

  • ctx.auth.getRequestDigest() - Retrieves a token needed to authorize any updates
  • ctx.auth.ensureRequestDigest(digest?) - Retrieves a token needed to authorize if a digest isn't given
  • ctx.auth.getGraphToken() - Retrieves an token that can be used to authorize requests to the MS Graph API


  • ctx.web.getInfo() - Gets you the SPWeb properties of your site
  • ctx.web.getSubsites() - Gets you all the sub sites and their SPWeb properties
  • ctx.web.getUser(email) - Gets you a SP.User object based on the specified email
  • ctx.web.getFile(serverRelativeUrl) - Gets you an SP.File object
  • ctx.web.copyFile(sourceUrl, destinationUrl) - Copies a file (both source and destination urls are server relative)
  • ctx.web.permissions.getRoleAssignments() - Gets you an array of permissions that have been setup for that site. Each permission object has a member (the user or group) and a roles array (the permissions that user or group has).
  • ctx.web.permissions.check() - Looks up the permissions of the current user.
  • ctx.web.permissions.check(email) - Looks up a user by their email address, then gets you a list of permissions that user has for your site. Similiar to "Check Permissions".
  • ctx.web.permissions.getRoleDefinitionId(name) - Find role ID for specified name.
  • ctx.web.createFolder(libraryUrl, folderTitle) - Creates folder within specified libraryUrl with name folderTitle
  • ctx.web.breakRoleInheritanceForFolder(folderUrl) - Breakes role inheritance for folder with specified relative folderUrl
  • ctx.web.clearFolderPermissionRoleForGroup(fileUrl, targetId) - Clears all permissions for specified group or user ID targetId, for file at relative fileUrl
  • ctx.web.assignPermissionRoleForFolder(fileUrl, permissionId, targetId) - Sets specified permission permissionId, for file at relatve fileUrl, for provided group or user ID targetId

List & List Items

  • ctx.lists(listname).getInfo() - gets you that list's SPList properties
  • ctx.lists(listname).checkExists() - resolves to a boolean based on whether the specified list name exists
  • ctx.lists(listname).getItems() - gets you all the items in that list
  • ctx.lists(listname).getItems(odata) - gets all the items in that list based on the OData you pass in. This allows you to trim selection, filter, sort etc..
  • ctx.lists(listname).getItemsByCaml(caml) - gets all the items based on the specified CAML query.
  • ctx.lists(listname).getItemsByView(viewName) - gets all the items based on the specified View name.
  • ctx.lists(listname).getItemById(id) - gets you a specific item based on the SharePoint Id
  • ctx.lists(listname).findItems(key, value) - gets you all items whose field(key) matches the value. Currently only text and number columns are supported.
  • ctx.lists(listname).findItems(key, value, extraOdata) - gets you all items whose field(key) matches the value. Currently only text and number columns are supported.
  • ctx.lists(listname).findItem(key, value) - get you an item whose field(key) matches the value. If multiple matches are found, the first is returned. Currently only text and number columns are supported.
  • ctx.lists(listname).addItem(item) - takes a javascript object and creates a list item.
  • ctx.lists(listname).updateItem(id, updates) - takes a SharePoint Id, and updates that item ONLY with properties that are found in the passed in updates object.
  • ctx.lists(listname).deleteItem(id) - deletes the item with the specified SharePoint Id
  • ctx.lists(listname).permissions.getRoleAssignments() - Gets you an array of permissions that have been setup for that list. Each permission object has a member (the user or group) and a roles array (the permissions that user or group has).
  • ctx.lists(listname).permissions.check() - Looks up the permissions of the current user.
  • ctx.lists(listname).permissions.check(email) - Looks up a user by their email address, then gets the permissions that user has for that list. Similiar to "Check Permissions".
  • ctx.lists(listname).getItemAttachmentsById(id) - gets you all attachments attached in list wit provided id.
  • ctx.lists(listname).deleteItemAttachment(id, fileTitle) - delete attachment with desired title from list with provided id
  • ctx.lists(listname).addItemAttachment(id, file) - adds attachment with provided File object (conversion to binary string) to list with provided id


  • - performs a SharePoint search and returns a SearchResults object which contains elapsedTime, suggestion, resultsCount, totalResults, totalResultsIncludingDuplicates, items. The items property is what contains the actual "results" array.
  •, queryOptions) - same as query(queryText) but with the ability to override default search options.
  • limits the search to just people
  • limits the search to just sites (STS_Web)
  •, scopeUrl) limits the search to just sites (STS_Web) that are underneath the specified scopeUrl


  • ctx.customActions.get() - Gets all of the 'Site' and 'Web' scoped UserCustomActions.
  • ctx.customActions.get(name) - Get a UserCustomAction by name. Searches both 'Site' and 'Web' scoped custom actions.
  • ctx.customActions.update(updates) - Updates properties on an exisiting custom action. You must set the Name property on you updates object to identify the targeted custom action.
  • ctx.customActions.remove(name) - Removes a UserCustomAction with that name
  • ctx.customActions.add(customAction) - Takes in an object with SP.UserCustomAction properties.
  • ctx.customActions.addScriptLink(name, url, opts) - injects a Javascript file onto your site
  • ctx.customActions.addCssLink(name, url, opts) - injects a CSS file onto your site


  • ctx.profiles.current() - gets you all the profile properties for the current user
  • ctx.profiles.get() - gets you all the profile properties for the current user
  • ctx.profiles.get(email) - looks up a user based on their email and returns their profile properties
  • ctx.profiles.get({ AccountName|LoginName }) - gets you all the profile properties of the passed in user object. It must have a valid AccountName (or LoginName) property
  • ctx.profiles.setProperty(key, value) - sets a profile property (key) for the current user
  • ctx.profiles.setProperty(key, value, { AccountName|LoginName }) - sets a profile property (key) for the specified user. User object should have AccountName or LoginName property
  • ctx.profiles.setProperty(key, value, email) - sets a profile property (key) for the user tied to that email address

Utility Functions

  • SPScript.utils.openModal(url, modalOpts) - Launch a SharePoint modal
  • SPScript.utils.validateODataV2(data) - Helps parse raw ODATA response to remove data.d/data.d.results namespace.
  • SPScript.utils.parseJSON(data) - Wraps JSON.parse in a try/catch


  • SPScript.utils.loadScript(url) - loads a javascript file onto the page
  • SPScript.utils.loadScripts(urls) - loads multiple javascript files onto the page
  • SPScript.utils.loadCSS(url) - Load a CSS stylesheet onto your page

Dependency Management

  • SPScript.utils.validateNamespace(namespace) - Safely check a nested namespaces exists on the global
  • SPScript.utils.waitForLibrary(namespace) - waits for the library to be on the page
  • SPScript.utils.waitForLibraries(namespaces) - waits for all libraries to be on the page
  • SPScript.utils.waitForElement(selector) - Wait/Ensure for an element to exist on a page page

Query String Helpers

  • SPScript.utils.qs.toObj(str) - returns a javascript object. Each query string key is a property on the object.
  • SPScript.utils.qs.fromObj(str) - turns a javascript object into a string in format of "key1=value1&key2=value2"

Request Header Helpers

  • SPScript.utils.headers.getStandardHeaders(digest?) - sets the Accept and Content-Type headers to the JSON Mime type. If the optional digest token is passed, it sets the proper authoorization headers. Returns the headers as an object.
  • SPScript.utils.headers.getAddHeaders(digest) - returns the headers object needed in order to create an item.
  • SPScript.utils.headers.getUpdateHeaders(digest) - returns the headers object needed in order to update an item.
  • SPScript.utils.headers.getDeleteHeaders(digest) - returns the headers object needed in order to delete an item.

Usage Examples

Query List Items

Get all "Tasks" with a status of "Approved"

var taskList = ctx.lists("Tasks");

// BEST: Option 1 - 'Find' syntax sugar
taskList.findItems("Status", "Approved").then(logApprovedTasks);

// BETTER: Option 2 - OData support in the '.items()'
taskList.getItems("$filter=Status eq 'Approved'").then(logApprovedTasks);

// GOOD: Options 3 - Manual 'GET'
ctx.get("/web/lists/getByTitle('Tasks')?$filter=Status eq 'Approved'").then(
    function(data) {
        if (data && data.d && data.d.results) {

var logApprovedTasks = function(tasks) {
    tasks.forEach(function(task) {

Get Item By Id

Get the task with a SharePoint ID of 29

var displayTask = function(task) {
    //blah blah blah

Add List Item

Add item to the "Tasks" list

var newItem = {
    Title: "My New Task",
    Status: "Not Started",
    RemainingHours: 12,

Update List Item

Update item in the "Tasks" list. Set item 29's status to "Completed"

var updates = { Status: "Completed", RemainingHours: 0 };
ctx.lists("Tasks").updateItem(29, updates);

Find One

Get the one item whose "RequestId" is "abc123"

ctx.lists("IT Requests")
    .findItem("RequestId", "abc123")
    .then(function(request) {
        console.log(request.RequestId + ": " + request.Title);

If there is more than one match, it will return the first result. If there are zero matches, it will return null

Get Every List Item

Get all items in the "Tasks" list and log the 'Title'

    .then(function(tasks) {
        tasks.forEach(function(task) {
import SPScript from "spscript";

const getPublishedNews = async function(siteUrl) {
    let ctx = SPScript.createContext(siteUrl);
    let pages = await ctx.lists("Site Pages").findItems("PromotedState", 2);
    console.log(pages); // This will show an Array of Page List Items
    return pages;

GET & POST Requests

Every REST Api call that SharePoint supports can be called using SPService. Both the RestDao and CrossDomainDao implement a .get() and post() method that allow you to type in the api call's relative url. For example, you could rewrite the code above as:

ctx.get("/web/lists/getByTitle('Tasks')/items").then(function(data) {
    var tasks = data.d.results;
    tasks.forEach(function(task) {

Here is a more advanced usage that uses ctx.authorizedPost to update the site's logo

var setSiteLogo = function(siteLogoUrl, siteUrl) {
    var ctx = SPScript.createContext();
    var body = { __metadata: { type: "SP.Web" }, SiteLogoUrl: siteLogoUrl };
    ctx.authorizedPost("/web", body)
        .then(function(result) {
            console.log("Set Site Logo Success!");
        .catch(function(error) {
            console.log("Set Site Logo Error. Message: " + error);


Get the current user's profile properties

ctx.profiles.current().then(function(profile) {


Search for "petersen" and get the url of each search result"petersen").then(function(searchResults) {
    searchResults.items.forEach(function(item) {

Search for People named "petersen""petersen").then(function(searchResults) {
        "There are " + searchResults.totalResults + " people named 'andrew'"


Fetch Polyfill

In order to work in Node.js, you need to import isomorphic-fetch. This is because under the hood, SPScript uses fetch for all the requests. However, I wanted to leave it up to the consumer to decide whether they needed a fetch polyfill (old IE or Node).

For node, Just add this line to the top of your entry file


You can pass a headers property to the ContextOptions param in createContext.

For example you could use node-sp-auth to log in with username and password (only do this serverside), then pass the Fed Auth cookie you receive to SPScript:

// Use node-sp-auth to get a Fed Auth cookie.
// This cookie can be include in the headers of REST calls to authorize them.
let auth = await spauth.getAuth(process.env.SITE_URL, {
    online: true,
    username: process.env.SP_USER,
    password: process.env.PASSWORD,
// Pass the auth headers to SPScript via the optional ContextOptions param
let ctx = SPScript.createContext(siteUrl, { headers: auth.headers });
let webInfo = await ctx.web.getInfo();

With that snippet, you could easily perform REST operation in a Node.js app using service account creds.