A pretty simple and lightweight web framework
spritz: A pretty simple web server framework
is a really simple framework for dealing with http
request/response stuff
npm install spritz
Available functions
spritz.start(options[, callback]): Starts a new instance of an HTTP server based on the supplied options;
The available options are:
- proto: The protocol to use on our server (the currently supported protocols are: http, https, fastcgi) - defaults to
; - address: The network address to bind on (either an IP address or a UNIX domain socket patch) - defaults to
; - port: The port number to bind on - defaults to
; - processes: The number of processes to pre-fork - defaults to
; - mimes: An object containing the
to use for file each extension - defaults to a builtin pre-initialized list.
The options are still going to be passed to
so all the node https server options are supported.- proto: The protocol to use on our server (the currently supported protocols are: http, https, fastcgi) - defaults to
spritz.use(extension): Loads a certain spritz extension (i.e: middlewares, template engines, custom functions, etc...);
spritz.on(routePath|regExp|statusCode|hook[, options], callback): Declares a spritz route or status handler and its callback;
The first argument can be:
- A string containing the exact path of the route. I.e.:
; - A regular expression containing a pattern for the route. The captured groups will be available via the
object as ususal. I.e.:/^\/articles\/(\d+)/
; - A status code, in case we want to declare a status handler. I.e.:
; - A hook name, started by the '#' (hash) sign, in case we want to declare a hook handler. Check the hooks section below;
The available options (for route handlers) are:
- method - The method on what this route applies to - defaults to
; - dontReadPOSTData: true - To not read the POST data from the request (in case we want to use
on this request); - auth - A basic authentication rule. Check the basic authentication section below.
The callback will always get
(request, response)
as arguments.- A string containing the exact path of the route. I.e.:
spritz.auth(routePath|regExp, authRule) - Defines an authentication rule for a certain route path or regular expression. Check the basic authentication section below.
spritz.text(req, res, text[[, statusCode, [headers], [callback]]]) - Returns a text string as a response for a certain request;
spritz.json(req, res, someObject[[, statusCode, [headers], [callback]]]) - Returns the serialized JSON content of an object as a response for a certain request;
spritz.staticfile(req, res, filePath[[, statusCode, [headers], [callback]]]) - Returns the content of a file as a response for a certain request;
spritz.proxy(req, res, host|url[[, port, [options], [callback]]]) - Proxies the current request to another host or URL;
The port argument defaults to
;The available options are:
- proto - The protocol of the request to send to the remote server - defaults to
; - method - The method of the request to send to the remote server - defaults to the current request method;
- path - The path of the request to send to the remote server - defaults to the current request path;
- headers - The headers of the request to send to the remote request - default to the current request headers;
- timeout - A request timeout for the request to send to the remote server (in milliseconds);
- onError - A error handler callback;
- onTimeout - A timeout handler callback;
- proto - The protocol of the request to send to the remote server - defaults to
The available hooks are:
- #setroute - Called when a route is declared (synchronous);
- #arrive - Right after a request arrives (asynchronous);
- #readheaders - After the headers of a request are read (asynchronous);
- #read - After a request is read (asynchronous);
- #findroute - After finding (or not) the matching route for a request (asynchronous);
- #beforewritehead - Before writing the headers of a response (asynchronous);
- #beforewritedata - Bebore writing the content of a response (asynchronous);
- #beforefinish - Before finishing to handle a request and sending its response (asynchronous);
- #finish - After finishing to handle a request and sending its response (asynchronous).
Hooks declared in UPPERCASE (i.e.: #SETROUTE
) via spritz.on()
will be declared as global and will be used in every spritz server instance.
Basic authentication
Basic authentication is supported as a built-in feature. Authentication rules can be specified either via spritz.auth('/some_route', someRule)
or spritz.on('/some_route', {auth: someRule}, ...)
An authentication rule should always contain a realm
property and either a username/password pair or a check
function which is responsible to verify if the supplied user/pass pair is valid.
Examples of authentication rules:
{realm: 'Authentication required', username: 'capo', password: 'dei capi'}
{realm: 'Authentication required', check: function(user, pass, callback) {return callback(user+' '+pass == 'capo dei capi');}}
Some code examples
spritz = require('spritz');
// Start (with so many processes as CPU cores)
port: 8090,
processes: require('os').cpus().length
// Listen on a static route
spritz.on('/', function(req, res){
// Answer
spritz.text(req, res, 'Aperol o Campari?', 200);
// Answer with a JSON
spritz.on('/json', function(req, res){
spritz.json(req, res, {some: "json", other: 1});
// Listen on a RegExp based url pattern.
spritz.on(/^\/(x.*)/, function(req, res){
// console.log("User asked for ", RegExp.$1);
// Answer with a text. Status code and headers are optional
spritz.text(req, res, 'Soda?', 200, {'content-type':'text/plain'});
// Listen on a static route only for POST
spritz.on('/post', {method:"POST"}, function(req, res){
// Send a JSON with the POST arguments and files
spritz.json(req, res, {args: req.POSTargs, files: req.POSTfiles});
// Listen on a static route. Tell to not read the POST data, so it will be proxied.
spritz.on('/npm/', {dontReadPOSTData:true}, function(req, res){
// Proxy the request (both syntaxes are supported)
spritz.proxy(req, res, "https://www.npmjs.org/");
// spritz.proxy(req, res, "", 9999, {proto: "http", timeout: 2000});
// Status handler
spritz.on(404, function(req, res){
spritz.text(req, res, '404 - Cosa vuole, signore?', 404);
spritz.on(200, function(req, res){
// Set a hook
spritz.on('#arrive', function(req, res, args, callback){
console.log('Got a request to '+req.url);
return callback();
// Use a (template) module
spritz.on('/use-a-template/', function(req, res){
spritz.template(req, res, 'template.jst', {some: 'value', other: 'value'});
// Set an authentication rule for a specific URL pattern (pattern is optional)
//spritz.auth(/^\/pass/, {check: function(u, p, cb){ return cb(null, u=="capo" && p=="dei capi"); }});
spritz.on(/passwd/, { auth: {username: "capo", password: "dei capi"}}, function(req, res){
// Answer with a file. Status code and headers are optional
// console.log("Serving /etc/passwd to "+req.authUser);
spritz.staticfile(req, res, "/etc/passwd", 200, {'content-type': 'text/plain'});