A very lightweight library to handle Sprites on HTML Canvas
Sprites is a very lightweight JavaScript library to run sprites on HTML Canvas (Live Demo)
You can easily get it from bower:
$ bower install sprite --save
Or use cdnjs:
<script src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/sprite-js/0.1.0/sprite.min.js"></script>
Basically you can build a sprite by instantiating the Sprite class
var sprite = new Sprite(options)
You should pass some arguments to Sprite, so that it can know:
// (r) = required
// (d N) = defaults to N
var sprite = new Sprite({
canvas: document.getElementById('canvas'), // Where to draw? (r)
image: document.getElementById('image'), // What image to use? (r)
rows: 4, // How many rows are there in the image?
columns: 3, // How many columns are there in the image?
rowIndex: 0, // Where to start drawing the row? (d 0)
columnIndex: 0, // Where to start drawing the column? (d 0)
rowFrequency: 1, // After how many draw cycles row is updated? (d 0)
columnFrequency: 1,// After how many draw cycles column is updated? (d 0)
rowCircular: true, // true -> 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2... (d fls)
columnCircular: true, // false -> 0, 1, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1, 0... (d fls)
rowDirection: 4, // row increment (d 1)
columnDirection: 4,// column increment (d 1)
width: 100, // Drawing width (d (image.width / columns))
height: 100, // Drawing height (d (image.height / rows))
After that, you can draw your sprite
// x, y are the coordinates where the sprite should be drawed on the canvas
sprite.draw(x, y)
I recommend following some guidelines:
- Keep it simple, the project should be lightweight
- 2 space indentation
- No trailling white spaces
Sprite is released under the MIT License