Spotify player for distributed Raspberry Pi devices.
Spotify player for distributed Raspberry Pi devices.
Assumption: You are using a Raspberry Pi 2 running the latest Raspbian OS (Debian). This is my setup & it works. Anything else you're on your own.
Pull down code
git clone <target_dir>
Install Node.js if not already installed
sudo apt-get install curl
sudo curl -sL | sudo bash -
apt-get install -y nodejs
apt-get install -y build-essential
There is a better guide for this process here.
[optional... but important] Debian/Ubuntu needs alsa.h header file (ALSA backend is default option).
sudo apt-get install libasound2-dev
Install NPM packages
This loads all the prerequisites from package.json
cd <target_dir>
sudo npm install
Run Spotipi
node spotipi.js
Once the code initializes it will output a path you can connect to with a mobile device or browser. The default port is 3000.
Keep alive in background & starting/stopping
There are a few ways to do this - forever is an NPM module that will spawn an instance of the server in the background and restart it when the process inevitably crashes.
Install the module globally:
sudo npm install -g forever
Start instance:
Note: If you started the process earlier using node spotipi.js
, kill it now; otherwise you won't be able to start it using forever.
forever start spotipi.js
Check instance is alive:
forever list
- this will output the process - take a note of the pid's index that is listed between [parens] i.e. [0] spotipi.js
Kill instance:
forever stop <pid_index>