Universal client for the Spotify web API.
Universal client for the Spotify web API.
❗️❗️ DISCLAIMER: This was written to solve a particular need I had. It might not end up getting actively maintained!
This client aims to be flexible enough to be either as minimal or full-fledged as you need. Each endpoint can be called with a simple function, and you're not tied into any http library under the hood. Consumers of the library can use the default Fetch
-based http client (or 'fetcher') and polyfill as needed. Alternatively, you create your own based on based on your library of choice.
Middleware gives you the possibility to perform some actions before each request is made to the Spotify API, such as logging. This is also the primary way that authentication is added to each request. Create an auth middleware via the supplied helpers and pass this to createClient
, and the necessary headers will be added automatically to each request.
Having 'fetchers' passed in from the outside allows for a whole lot of flexibility. Alongside not being tied to any particular library, it makes it easy to add custom timeout logic, request retries. And, if you don't want to go via middleware, you can always do authentication in a custom fetcher and modifier headers yourself.
- Installation
- Creating a client
- Adding middleware
- Authenticating
- Creating a custom fetcher
- Error handling
- Examples
- API Reference
With yarn
yarn add spotify-web-api-client
With npm
npm i spotify-web-api-client
Creating a client
Create a client using the createClient
function. This should subsequently be passed to all endpoint functions in order to execute requests to the Spotify API.
The client
is nothing special. It's just a function that takes a RequestConfig
object as an argument and passes that through the middleware chain and returns the response.
import { createClient } from 'spotify-web-api-client';
import { fetcher } from 'spotify-web-api-client/fetcher';
const client = createClient(fetcher);
This above example doesn't do very much yet - it'll make a network request, but that's about it. We can add some middleware in order to start making authenticated requests to Spotify.
Adding middleware
Middleware lets you perform actions just before and just after each request to the Spotify API. This is a useful place to do things like logging, error reporting, applying timeouts, etc. It's also the out-of-the-box way to add authentication to your requests. Read more about auth middleware
If this looks familiar at all, it's because I totally ripped the API from Redux.
function loggerMiddleware(next: MiddlewareFetcher) {
return (request: RequestConfig) => {
console.log(`Making request to Spotify: ${JSON.stringify(request)}`);
return next(request);
const client = createClient(fetcher, loggerMiddleware);
A middleware function takes the next
middleware as its argument and returns a function that takes a request
. This function must then return the result of calling next(request)
. The function returned from your middleware can also be asynchronous.
Chaining middleware
takes any number of middleware functions and composes them together using reduceRight
under the hood.
import { createClient } from 'spotify-web-api-client';
import { fetcher } from 'spotify-web-api-client/fetcher';
import {
} from 'spotify-web-api-client/middleware';
const authMiddleware = createAuthMiddleware({
token: () => getTokenFromSomewhere(),
client_id: '<CLIENT_ID>',
client_secret: '<CLIENT_SECRET>'
function addLogging(next: MiddlewareFetcher) {
return (request: RequestConfig) => {
console.log(`Making request to Spotify: ${JSON.stringify(request)}`);
return next(request);
function addCrashReporting(next: MiddlewareFetcher) {
return (request: RequestConfig) => {
try {
return next(request);
} catch (error) {
console.log(`Error! ${error.message}`);
Sentry.captureException(error, {
extra: {
url: request.url
throw error;
// Middleware functions are composed right-to-left
const middleware = composeMiddleware(
const client = createClient(fetcher, middleware);
Auth middleware
Middleware is the default way of adding authentication to your requests, and the library comes with a few helpers to do this: createAuthMiddleware
, createBasicAuthMiddleware
and createBearerAuthMiddleware
import { createClient } from 'spotify-web-api-client';
import { fetcher } from 'spotify-web-api-client/fetcher';
import {
} from 'spotify-web-api-client/middleware';
const addAuth = createAuthMiddleware({
token: 'TOKEN',
client_id: '<CLIENT_ID>',
client_secret: '<CLIENT_SECRET>'
// This client will add the correct headers for any request.
const client = createClient(fetcher, addAuth);
const addBasicAuth = createBasicAuthMiddleware({
token: 'TOKEN',
client_id: '<CLIENT_ID>',
client_secret: '<CLIENT_SECRET>'
// This client will be able to handle any endpoint that requires
// `Basic` auth headers, e.g. authentication endpoints.
const basicClient = createClient(fetcher, addBasicAuth);
const addBearerAuth = createBearerAuthMiddleware({
token: 'TOKEN'
// This client will be able to handle any endpoint that requires
// `Bearer` auth headers, e.g. everything that's not authentication.
const addBearerAuth = createClient(fetcher, addBearerAuth);
Read the Spotify docs on authentication flows.
❗️❗️ Important: Never expose your client secret on the frontend! Check which flow is most applicable for your needs.
Authorization code flow
- Direct the user to Spotify to authorize your application.
import { createAuthorizationCodeUrl } from 'spotify-web-api-client/auth';
import { app } from './app';
// Imagine app is some Express application you have running.
app.get('/login', (_, res) => {
const authUrl = createAuthorizationCodeUrl({
client_id: '<CLIENT_ID>',
redirect_uri: '<REDIRECT_URI>',
state: '<STATE>',
scope: ['user-read-playback-state', 'user-modify-playback-state']
return res.redirect(authURL);
- Grab the authorization code from the URL when the user is redirected back to your
and request refresh and access tokens.
import { app } from './app';
import { createClient } from 'spotify-web-api-client';
import { createBasicAuthMiddleware } from 'spotify-web-api-client/middleware';
import { fetcher } from 'spotify-web-api-client/fetcher';
import { authorizationCode } from 'spotify-web-api-client/auth';
const addBasicAuth = createBasicAuthMiddleware({
client_id: '<CLIENT_ID>',
client_secret: '<CLIENT_SECRET>'
const client = createClient(fetcher, addBasicAuth);
// Imagine app is some Express application you have running.
app.get('/callback', (req, res, next) => {
const { code, error, state } = req.query;
// You should do something here if there was an error
// or the states don't match!
try {
const { body } = await authorizationCode(client, {
redirect_uri: '<REDIRECT_URI>'
const { access_token, expires_in, refresh_token } = body;
// Do something with the tokens here...
return res.send('Authenticated!');
} catch (error) {
- Add authentication to your requests to the Spotify API
import { createClient } from 'spotify-web-api-client';
import { fetcher } from 'spotify-web-api-client/fetcher';
import { createBearerAuthMiddleware } from 'spotify-web-api-client/middleware';
import { play } from 'spotify-web-api-client/player';
const addBearerAuth = createBearerAuthMiddleware({
token: '<TOKEN>'
const client = createClient(fetcher, addBearerAuth);
async function playSpotify() {
await play(client);
Authorization code flow with PKCE
Read the Spotify docs for this flow
🗒 Note: The Spotify docs contain more info on generating a code verifier and code challenge. It's worth checking this out!
- Direct the user to Spotify to authorize your application.
import { createAuthorizationCodeWithPkceUrl } from 'spotify-web-api-client/auth';
import { app } from './app';
// Imagine app is some Express application you have running.
app.get('/login', (_, res) => {
const authUrl = createAuthorizationCodeWithPkceUrl({
client_id: '<CLIENT_ID>',
redirect_uri: '<REDIRECT_URI>',
state: '<STATE',
scope: ['user-read-playback-state', 'user-modify-playback-state'],
code_challenge: '<CODE_CHALLENGE>'
return res.redirect(authUrl);
- Grab the authorization code from the URL when the user is redirected back to your
and request refresh and access tokens.
import { app } from './app';
import { createClient } from 'spotify-web-api-client';
import { fetcher } from 'spotify-web-api-client/fetcher';
import { authorizationCodeFlow } from 'spotify-web-api-client/auth';
// Note: No auth middleware is technically required for
// the PKCE flow, but a new client would need to be created
// once you've retrieved the tokens.
const client = createClient(fetcher);
// Imagine app is some Express application you have running.
app.get('/callback', async (req, res, next) => {
const { code, error, state } = req.query;
// You should do something here if there was an error
// or the states don't match!
try {
const { body } = await authorizationCodeWithPkce(client, {
client_id: '<CLIENT_ID>',
redirect_uri: '<REDIRECT_URI>',
code_verifier: '<CODE_VERIFIER>'
const { access_token, expires_in, refresh_token } = body;
saveTokensSomewhere({ access_token, expires_in, refresh_token });
return res.send('Authenticated!');
} catch (error) {
- Add authentication to your requests to the Spotify API
import { createClient } from 'spotify-web-api-client';
import { fetcher } from 'spotify-web-api-client/fetcher';
import { createBearerAuthMiddleware } from 'spotify-web-api-client/middleware';
import { play } from 'spotify-web-api-client/player';
const addAuth = createBearerAuthMiddleware({
token: '<TOKEN>'
const client = createClient(fetcher, addAuth);
async () => {
await play(client);
Implicit grant flow
Read the Spotify docs for this flow.
- Direct the user to Spotify to authorize your application.
import { createImplicitGrantUrl } from 'spotify-web-api-client/auth';
function login() {
const authUrl = createImplicitGrantUrl({
client_id: '<CLIENT_ID>',
redirect_uri: 'REDIRECT_URI',
state: 'STATE',
scope: ['user-read-playback-state', 'user-modify-playback-state']
window.location.href = authURL;
- Grab the access token from the hash fragment of the URL (encoded as query string) when the user is redirected back to your
function getAccessTokenFromURL() {
const url = new URL(window.location);
const error = url.searchParams.get('error');
if (error) {
throw new Error(`Authentication error: ${error}`);
// Strip the '#' from the start of the hash fragment
const params = new URLSearchParams(window.location.hash.substring(1));
const access_token = params.get('access_token');
const token_type = params.get('token_type');
const expires_in = params.get('expires_in');
const state = params.get('state');
// Be sure to compare state here as well!
return access_token;
- Add authentication to your requests to the Spotify API
import { createClient } from 'spotify-web-api-client';
import { fetcher } from 'spotify-web-api-client/fetcher';
import { createBearerAuthMiddleware } from 'spotify-web-api-client/middleware';
import { play } from 'spotify-web-api-client/player';
const addAuth = createBearerAuthMiddleware({
token: '<TOKEN>'
const client = createClient(fetcher, addAuth);
async () => {
await play(client);
Client credentials flow
Read the Spotify docs for this flow.
- Request an access token from the Spotify accounts service
import { createClient } from 'spotify-web-api-client';
import { fetcher } from 'spotify-web-api-client/fetcher';
import { createBasicAuthMiddleware } from 'spotify-web-api-client/middleware';
const addAuth = createBasicAuthMiddleware({
client_id: '<CLIENT_ID>',
client_secret: '<CLIENT_SECRET>'
const client = createClient(fetcher, addAuth);
async function authenticate() {
try {
const { body } = await clientCredentials(client);
const { access_token, expires_in } = body;
saveTokenSomewhere({ access_token, expires_in });
} catch (error) {
- Add authentication to your requests to the Spotify API
import { createClient } from 'spotify-web-api-client';
import { fetcher } from 'spotify-web-api-client/fetcher';
import { createBearerAuthMiddleware } from 'spotify-web-api-client/middleware';
import { play } from 'spotify-web-api-client/player';
const addAuth = createBearerAuthMiddleware({
token: () => getTokenSavedEarlier()
const client = createClient(fetcher, addAuth);
async () => {
await play(client);
Creating a custom fetcher
A default Fetch
-based fetcher can be imported from spotify-web-api-client/fetcher
, but it's pretty simple to create your own if you prefer to use another HTTP library.
The role of a fetcher is to take the RequestConfig
object, execute the request to Spotify and return a promise that resolves with a Response
The RequestConfig
and Response
objects have the following interfaces:
interface RequestConfig {
url: string;
method: HttpMethod;
headers?: Record<string, any>;
params?: Record<string, any>;
body?: any;
scheme?: AuthenticationScheme;
signal?: AbortSignal;
interface Response<T = any> {
body: T;
status: number;
headers: any;
request: RequestConfig;
You can do anything you like in the fetcher, as long as you return a promise that resolves with a response matching the Response
interface. You could handle adding authentication headers and bypass middleware altogether if you wanted.
So, a barebones custom fetcher could look something like:
async function fetcher(request: RequestConfig) {
const { url, method, body, headers, params, scheme } = request;
if (scheme === 'Bearer') {
headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer <MY_ACCESS_TOKEN>';
try {
const response = await myHttpFunction(url, { body, headers, params });
return {
body: response.body,
status: response.status,
headers: response.headers,
} catch (error) {
// Do anything you like with the error object here before rethrowing...
throw error;
Error handling
API Reference
Creates a client that can be used to execute requests to the Spotify API.
createClient(fetcher: Fetcher, middleware?: Middleware): Fetcher
Fetcher - Async function that takes aRequestConfig
object, executes the request and returns aResponse
Middleware - Middleware function/s to be executed with each request.
Once created, the client can be passed as the first argument to any endpoint function.
🗒 Note: This library deliberately does not polyfill fetch
. If you want to use the default fetcher in a Node env, for example, then you will need to polyfill this yourself.
import { createClient, Fetcher, RequestConfig } from 'spotify-web-api-client';
import { fetcher } from 'spotify-web-api-client/fetcher';
import {
} from 'spotify-web-api-client/middleware';
import { getAlbum } from 'spotify-web-api-client/albums';
const addAuth = createAuthMiddleware({
token: '<TOKEN>',
client_id: '<CLIENT_ID>',
redirect_uri: '<REDIRECT_URI>'
function addLogging(next: Fetcher) {
return (request: RequestConfig) => {
console.log(`Making request to ${request.url}`);
return next(request);
const client = createClient(fetcher, composeMiddleware(addAuth, addLogging));
getAlbum(client, { id: '0sNOF9WDwhWunNAHPD3Baj' }).then(({ body: album }) =>
Composes multiple middleware functions together to be passed as the second argument to createClient
composeMiddleware(...fns: Middleware[]): Middleware
Middleware[] - Any number of middleware functions.
Middleware functions are composed right-to-left.
import { createClient, Fetcher, RequestConfig } from 'spotify-web-api-client';
import { fetcher } from 'spotify-web-api-client/fetcher';
import {
} from 'spotify-web-api-client/middleware';
const addAuth = createAuthMiddleware({
token: '<TOKEN>',
client_id: '<CLIENT_ID>',
redirect_uri: '<REDIRECT_URI>'
function addLogging(next: Fetcher) {
return (request: RequestConfig) => {
console.log(`Making request to ${request.url}`);
return next(request);
const middleware = composeMiddleware(addAuth, addLogging)
const client = createClient(fetcher, middleware;
Composes createBasicAuthMiddleware
and createBearerAuthMiddleware
together into a single middleware function.
createAuthMiddleware(config: AuthMiddlewareConfig): Middleware
string | Function - Spotify access token or a function that returns an access token as a string (can be async).client_id
string - Spotify client ID.client_secret
string - Spotify client secret.
import { createClient } from 'spotify-web-api-client';
import { fetcher } from 'spotify-web-api-client/fetcher';
import { createAuthMiddleware } from 'spotify-web-api-client/middleware';
const addAuth = createAuthMiddleware({
* This could also be an async or sync function that returns
* a string:
* token: () => fetchAccessTokenFromSomewhere(),
token: '<TOKEN>',
client_id: '<CLIENT_ID>',
redirect_uri: '<REDIRECT_URI>'
const client = createClient(fetcher, addAuth);
Create a middleware function that will add a Basic
authorization header to the correct requests.
createBasicAuthMiddleware(config: BasicAuthMiddlewareConfig): Middleware
string - Spotify client ID.client_secret
string - Spotify client secret.
import { createClient } from 'spotify-web-api-client';
import { fetcher } from 'spotify-web-api-client/fetcher';
import { createBasicAuthMiddleware } from 'spotify-web-api-client/middleware';
const addBasicAuth = createBasicAuthMiddleware({
client_id: '<CLIENT_ID>',
redirect_uri: '<REDIRECT_URI>'
const client = createClient(fetcher, addBasicAuth);
Create a middleware function that will add a Bearer
authorization header to the correct requests.
createBasicAuthMiddleware(config: BearerAuthMiddlewareConfig): Middleware
string | Function - Spotify access token or a function that returns an access token as a string (can be async).
import { createClient } from 'spotify-web-api-client';
import { fetcher } from 'spotify-web-api-client/fetcher';
import { createBearerAuthMiddleware } from 'spotify-web-api-client/middleware';
const addBearerAuth = createBearerAuthMiddleware({
token: '<TOKEN>'
* This could also be an async or sync function that returns
* a string:
token: () => fetchAccessTokenFromSomewhere()
const client = createClient(fetcher, addBearerAuth);
Some Spotify API endpoints support pagination. paginate
can be used with these endpoints to continuously fetch each new page of results until you've collected all items.
paginate<T>(fn: T, options?: PaginateOptions): (...args: Parameters<T>) => AsyncGenerator
Function - Spotify endpoint function.options?
number - Duration in ms to wait between each request. Defaults to 0.maxItems?
number - The maximum number of items to fetch. Defaults to Infinity.maxRequests?
number - The maximum number of requests to be made. This will take precedence overmaxItems
if both values are supplied. Defaults to Infinity.
🗒 Notes on using paginate:
Unlike normal requests that return a Response
object, only the response body for the given endpoint function will be returned on each iteration. If you pass a function for an endpoint that does not support pagination, the request will be executed as normal and the underlying generator function will just return the response body.
Spotify endpoints that support pagination allow you to pass an optional limit
parameter to specify the number of items to return in the request. In paginate
the value you pass here will be used for each request (Spotify's own default for the given endpoint will be applied if you don't provide a value). If you pass a limit
that is greater than maxItems
, then limit
will be reassigned the lower value in order to avoid overfetching.
If you pass any other optional parameters to the endpoint function - for example, some take a market
field - these will also be included in each subsequent page request.
import { createClient } from 'spotify-web-api-client';
import { fetcher } from 'spotify-web-api-client/fetcher';
import { createBearerAuthMiddleware } from 'spotify-web-api-client/middleware';
import { paginate } from 'spotify-web-api-client/pagination';
import { getSavedAlbums } from 'spotify-web-api-client/library';
const addBearerAuth = createBearerAuthMiddleware({
token: '<TOKEN>'
const client = createClient(fetcher, addBearerAuth);
async function gatherSavedAlbumNames() {
const pages = paginate(getSavedAlbums)(client);
const albumNames: string[] = [];
for await (const page of pages) {
albumNames.push({ album }) =>;
return albumNames;
async function gatherSavedAlbumNamesMax3Requests() {
const pages = paginate(getSavedAlbums, {
// Stop pagination after the third request.
maxRequests: 3
const albumNames: string[] = [];
for await (const page of pages) {
albumNames.push({ album }) =>;
return albumNames;
Gather all results from paginating requests into an array. This is a shorthand for the examples above using paginate
gather<T, U>(fn: T, pick: U, options?: PaginateOptions): (...args: Parameters<T>) => Promise<ReturnType<U>>
Function - Spotify endpoint function.pick
Function - Function that takes a response body and should return the page elements to gather up. If you return an array, those array elements will be spread into the resulting array.options?
number - Duration in ms to wait between each request. Defaults to 0.maxItems?
number - The maximum number of items to fetch. Defaults to Infinity.maxRequests?
number - The maximum number of requests to be made. This will take precedence overmaxItems
if both values are supplied. Defaults to Infinity.
import { createClient } from 'spotify-web-api-client';
import { fetcher } from 'spotify-web-api-client/fetcher';
import { createBearerAuthMiddleware } from 'spotify-web-api-client/middleware';
import { gather } from 'spotify-web-api-client/pagination';
import { getSavedAlbums } from 'spotify-web-api-client/library';
const addBearerAuth = createBearerAuthMiddleware({
token: '<TOKEN>'
const client = createClient(fetcher, addBearerAuth);
async function gatherSavedAlbumNames(): Promise<string[]> {
const albums = await gather(getSavedAlbums, ({ items }) =>{ album }) =>
return albums;
Endpoints for retrieving information about one or more albums from the Spotify catalog.
Read the Spotify docs for these endpoints
Get Spotify catalog information for a single album.
getAlbum(client: Fetcher, parameters: GetAlbumParameters): GetAlbumResponse
Fetcher - Client used to execute the request.parameters
string - The Spotify ID for the
string - An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code or the string'from_token'
Read the Spotify API docs for this endpoint. umResponse`
(async () => {
import { createClient } from 'spotify-web-api-client';
import { fetcher } from 'spotify-web-api-client/fetcher';
import { createBearerAuthMiddleware } from 'spotify-web-api-client/middleware';
import { getAlbum } from 'spotify-web-api-client/albums';
const client = createClient(
createBearerAuthMiddleware({ token: 'NPrq7CF6QxVFo0eKO4aDdzV3G52R2EIMHt8' })
const { body: album } = await getAlbum(client, {
id: '0sNOF9WDwhWunNAHPD3Baj',
market: 'US'
console.log(`Retrieved album ${}`);
Get Spotify catalog information for multiple albums identified by their Spotify IDs.
getAlbums(client: Fetcher, parameters: GetAlbumsParameters): GetAlbumsResponse
Fetcher - Client used to execute the request.parameters
string[] - Array of Spotify IDs for the albums. Maximum: 20
string - An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code or the string'from_token'
Read the Spotify API docs for this endpoint. umsResponse`
import { createClient } from 'spotify-web-api-client';
import { fetcher } from 'spotify-web-api-client/fetcher';
import { createBearerAuthMiddleware } from 'spotify-web-api-client/middleware';
import { getAlbums } from 'spotify-web-api-client/albums';
(async () => {
const client = createClient(
createBearerAuthMiddleware({ token: 'NPrq7CF6QxVFo0eKO4aDdzV3G52R2EIMHt8' })
const { body } = await getAlbums(client, {
ids: [
market: 'US'
body.albums.forEach((album) => {
// `album` may be `null` here if the ID at the
// corresponding position in the `ids` array
// returned no results.
if (album) {
console.log(`Retrieved album ${}`);
Get Spotify catalog information about an album’s tracks. Optional parameters can be used to limit the number of tracks returned.
getTracksForAlbum(client: Fetcher, parameters: GetTracksForAlbumParameters): GetTracksForAlbumResponse
Fetcher - Client used to execute the request.parameters
string - The Spotify ID for the album.limit?
number - The maximum number of tracks to return. Default: 20. Minimum: 1. Maximum: 50.offset?
number - The index of the first track to return. Default: 0 (the first object). Use with limit to get the next set of
string - An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code or the string'from_token'
Read the Spotify API docs for this endpoint. cksForAlbumResponse`
import { createClient } from 'spotify-web-api-client';
import { fetcher } from 'spotify-web-api-client/fetcher';
import { createBearerAuthMiddleware } from 'spotify-web-api-client/middleware';
import { getTracksForAlbum } from 'spotify-web-api-client/albums';
(async () => {
const client = createClient(
createBearerAuthMiddleware({ token: 'NPrq7CF6QxVFo0eKO4aDdzV3G52R2EIMHt8' })
const { body } = await getTracksForAlbum(client, {
id: '0sNOF9WDwhWunNAHPD3Baj',
market: 'US'
body.items.forEach((track) => console.log(`Retrieved track ${}`));
Endpoints for retrieving information about one or more artists from the Spotify catalog.
Get Spotify catalog information about an artist’s albums. Optional parameters can be specified in the query string to filter and sort the response.
getAlbumsForArtist(client: Fetcher, parameters: GetAlbumsForArtistParameters): GetAlbumsForArtistResponse
Fetcher - Client used to execute the request.parameters
string - The Spotify ID for the artist.include_groups?
string[] - Array of keywords that will be used to filter the response. If not supplied, all album types will be returned. Valid values are:'album'
string - An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code or the string'from_token'
. If not given, results will be returned for all countries and you are likely to get duplicate results per album, one for each country in which the album is available.limit?
number - The maximum number of albums objects to return. Default: 20. Minimum: 1. Maximum: 50.offset?
number - The index of the first album to return. Default: 0 (the first object). Use with limit to get the next set of albums.
Read the Spotify API docs for this endpoint. umsForArtistResponse`
import { createClient } from 'spotify-web-api-client';
import { fetcher } from 'spotify-web-api-client/fetcher';
import { createBearerAuthMiddleware } from 'spotify-web-api-client/middleware';
import { getAlbumsForArtist } from 'spotify-web-api-client/artists';
(async () => {
const client = createClient(
createBearerAuthMiddleware({ token: 'NPrq7CF6QxVFo0eKO4aDdzV3G52R2EIMHt8' })
const { body } = await getAlbumsForArtist(client, {
id: '0OdUWJ0sBjDrqHygGUXeCF',
country: 'US'
body.items.forEach((album) => console.log(`Retrieved album ${}`));
Get Spotify catalog information for a single artist identified by their unique Spotify ID.
getArtist(client: Fetcher, parameters: GetArtistParameters): GetArtistResponse
Fetcher - Client used to execute the request.parameters
string - The Spotify ID for the artist.
Read the Spotify API docs for this endpoint. istResponse`
import { createClient } from 'spotify-web-api-client';
import { fetcher } from 'spotify-web-api-client/fetcher';
import { createBearerAuthMiddleware } from 'spotify-web-api-client/middleware';
import { getArtist } from 'spotify-web-api-client/artists';
(async () => {
const client = createClient(
createBearerAuthMiddleware({ token: 'NPrq7CF6QxVFo0eKO4aDdzV3G52R2EIMHt8' })
const { body } = await getArtist(client, {
id: '0OdUWJ0sBjDrqHygGUXeCF'
console.log(`Retrieved artist ${}`);
Get Spotify catalog information for several artists based on their Spotify IDs.
getArtists(client: Fetcher, parameters: GetArtistsParameters): GetArtistsResponse
Fetcher - Client used to execute the request.parameters
string[] - Array of Spotify IDs for the artists. Maximum: 50 IDs.
Read the Spotify API docs for this endpoint. istsResponse`
import { createClient } from 'spotify-web-api-client';
import { fetcher } from 'spotify-web-api-client/fetcher';
import { createBearerAuthMiddleware } from 'spotify-web-api-client/middleware';
import { getArtists } from 'spotify-web-api-client/artists';
(async () => {
const client = createClient(
createBearerAuthMiddleware({ token: 'NPrq7CF6QxVFo0eKO4aDdzV3G52R2EIMHt8' })
const { body } = await getArtists(client, {
ids: ['0oSGxfWSnnOXhD2fKuz2Gy', '3dBVyJ7JuOMt4GE9607Qin']
body.artists.forEach((artist) => {
// `artist` may be `null` here if the ID at the
// corresponding position in the `ids` array
// returned no results.
if (artist) {
console.log(`Retrieved artist ${}`);
Get Spotify catalog information about an artist’s top tracks by country.
getTopTracksForArtist(client: Fetcher, parameters: GetTopTracksForArtistParameters): GetTopTracksForArtistResponse
Fetcher - Client used to execute the request.parameters
string - The Spotify ID for the
string - An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code or the string'from_token'
Read the Spotify API docs for this endpoint. TracksForArtistResponse`
import { createClient } from 'spotify-web-api-client';
import { fetcher } from 'spotify-web-api-client/fetcher';
import { createBearerAuthMiddleware } from 'spotify-web-api-client/middleware';
import { getTopTracksForArtist } from 'spotify-web-api-client/artists';
(async () => {
const client = createClient(
createBearerAuthMiddleware({ token: 'NPrq7CF6QxVFo0eKO4aDdzV3G52R2EIMHt8' })
const { body } = await getTopTracksForArtist(client, {
id: '0OdUWJ0sBjDrqHygGUXeCF',
country: 'from_token'
console.log('Top tracks for artist:');
body.tracks.forEach((track) => console.log(;
Get Spotify catalog information about artists similar to a given artist. Similarity is based on analysis of the Spotify community’s listening history.
getRelatedArtistsForArtist(client: Fetcher, parameters: GetRelatedArtistsForArtistParameters): GetRelatedArtistsForArtistResponse
Fetcher - Client used to execute the request.parameters
string - The Spotify ID for the artist.
Read the Spotify API docs for this endpoint. atedArtistsForArtistResponse`
import { createClient } from 'spotify-web-api-client';
import { fetcher } from 'spotify-web-api-client/fetcher';
import { createBearerAuthMiddleware } from 'spotify-web-api-client/middleware';
import { getRelatedArtistsForArtist } from 'spotify-web-api-client/artists';
(async () => {
const client = createClient(
createBearerAuthMiddleware({ token: 'NPrq7CF6QxVFo0eKO4aDdzV3G52R2EIMHt8' })
const { body } = await getRelatedArtistsForArtist(client, {
id: '0OdUWJ0sBjDrqHygGUXeCF'
console.log('Related artists:');
body.artists.forEach((artist) => console.log(;
Exchange a Spotify authorization code for an access token.
authorizationCode(client: Fetcher, parameters: AuthorizationCodeParameters): AuthorizationCodeResponse
Fetcher - Client used to execute the request.parameters
string - Spotify authorization code passed as a search param to your redirect URI.redirect_uri
string - The redirect URI value provided when requesting the authorization code.
import { createClient } from 'spotify-web-api-client';
import { fetcher } from 'spotify-web-api-client/fetcher';
import { createBasicAuthMiddleware } from 'spotify-web-api-client/middleware';
import { authorizationCode } from 'spotify-web-api-client/auth';
(async () => {
const addAuth = createBasicAuthMiddleware({
client_id: '<CLIENT_ID>',
client_secret: '<CLIENT_SECRET>'
const client = createClient(fetcher, addAuth);
const { body } = await authorizationCode(client, {
code: '<CODE>'
redirect_uri: ''
Exchange a Spotify authorization code for an access token.
authorizationCodeWithPkce(client: Fetcher, parameters: AuthorizationCodeWithPkceParameters): AuthorizationCodeResponse
Fetcher - Client used to execute the request.parameters
string - Spotify authorization code passed as a search param to your redirect URI.redirect_uri
string - The redirect URI value provided when requesting the authorization code.client_id
string - The client ID for your application.code_verifier
string - The code verifier value generated previously in the auth flow.
import { createClient } from 'spotify-web-api-client';
import { fetcher } from 'spotify-web-api-client/fetcher';
import { createBasicAuthMiddleware } from 'spotify-web-api-client/middleware';
import { authorizationCodeWithPkce } from 'spotify-web-api-client/auth';
(async () => {
const addAuth = createBasicAuthMiddleware({
client_id: '<CLIENT_ID>',
client_secret: '<CLIENT_SECRET>'
const client = createClient(fetcher, addAuth);
const { body } = await authorizationCodeWithPkce(client, {
client_id: '<CLIENT_ID>',
code: '<CODE>',
code_verifier: '<CODE_VERIFIER>',
redirect_uri: ''
Obtain an access token using your client ID and client secret.
clientCredentials(client: Fetcher): ClientCredentialsResponse
Fetcher - Client used to execute the request.
import { createClient } from 'spotify-web-api-client';
import { fetcher } from 'spotify-web-api-client/fetcher';
import { createBasicAuthMiddleware } from 'spotify-web-api-client/middleware';
import { clientCredentials } from 'spotify-web-api-client/auth';
(async () => {
const addAuth = createBasicAuthMiddleware({
client_id: '<CLIENT_ID>',
client_secret: '<CLIENT_SECRET>'
const client = createClient(fetcher, addAuth);
const { body } = await clientCredentials(client);
Create the authorization URL to redirect users to as part of the implicit grant flow.
createImplicitGrantUrl(parameters: CreateImplicitGrantUrlParameters): string
string - The client ID for your application.redirect_uri
string - The URI to redirect to after the user grants or denies permission.state?
string - Optional value to be used for protection against attacks such as cross-site request forgery.scope?
string[] - Array of Spotify scopes.show_dialog?
boolean - Whether or not to force the user to approve the app again if they’ve already done so.
import { createImplicitGrantUrl } from 'spotify-web-api-client/auth';
const url = createImplicitGrantUrl({
scope: ['user-follow-modify', 'user-read-currently-playing'],
client_id: '<CLIENT_ID>',
redirect_uri: '',
state: '<STATE>'
console.log(url); //
Create the authorization URL to redirect users to as part of the authorization code flow.
createAuthorizationCodeUrl(parameters: CreateAuthorizationCodeUrlParameters): string
string - The client ID for your application.redirect_uri
string - The URI to redirect to after the user grants or denies permission.state?
string - Optional value to be used for protection against attacks such as cross-site request forgery.scope?
string[] - Array of Spotify scopes.show_dialog?
boolean - Whether or not to force the user to approve the app again if they’ve already done so.
import { createAuthorizationCodeUrl } from 'spotify-web-api-client/auth';
const url = createAuthorizationCodeUrl({
scope: ['user-follow-modify', 'user-read-currently-playing'],
client_id: '<CLIENT_ID>',
redirect_uri: '',
state: '<STATE>'
console.log(url); //
Create the authorization URL to redirect users to as part of the authorization code with proof key for code exchange flow.
createAuthorizationCodeWithPkceUrl(parameters: CreateAuthorizationCodeWithPkceUrlParameters): string
string - The client ID for your application.redirect_uri
string - The URI to redirect to after the user grants or denies permission.code_challenge
string - Yourcode_verifier
value hashed with the SHA256 algorithm and then base64url encoded.state?
string - Optional value to be used for protection against attacks such as cross-site request forgery.scope?
string[] - Array of Spotify scopes.
import { createAuthorizationCodeWithPkceUrl } from 'spotify-web-api-client/auth';
const url = createAuthorizationCodeWithPkceUrl({
scope: ['user-follow-modify', 'user-read-currently-playing'],
client_id: '<CLIENT_ID>',
redirect_uri: '',
code_challenge: 'YUxVdmtrQmNoRksyOU1Hb0VicHZDcFNYX1ZTM0pMNHJnaGlnOEtwTmtSbw=='
console.log(url); //
Obtain a new access token using your refresh token.
refreshAccessToken(client: Fetcher, parameters: RefreshAccessTokenParameters): RefreshAccessTokenResponse
Fetcher - Client used to execute the request.parameters
string - Your Spotify refresh token.
import { createClient } from 'spotify-web-api-client';
import { fetcher } from 'spotify-web-api-client/fetcher';
import { createBasicAuthMiddleware } from 'spotify-web-api-client/middleware';
import { refreshAccessToken } from 'spotify-web-api-client/auth';
(async () => {
const addAuth = createBasicAuthMiddleware({
client_id: '<CLIENT_ID>',
client_secret: '<CLIENT_SECRET>'
const client = createClient(fetcher, addAuth);
const { body } = await refreshAccessToken(client, {
refresh_token: '<REFRESH_TOKEN>'
Get a single category used to tag items in Spotify.
getCategory(client: Fetcher, parameters: GetCategoryParameters): GetCategoryResponse
Fetcher - Client used to execute the request.parameters
string - The Spotify category ID for the
string - ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. Provide this parameter to ensure that the category exists for a particular country.locale?
string - The desired language, consisting of an ISO 639-1 language code and an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code, joined by an underscore. For example: es_MX, meaning "Spanish (Mexico)". Provide this parameter if you want the category strings returned in a particular language. Note that, if locale is not supplied, or if the specified language is not available, the category strings returned will be in the Spotify default language (American English).
Read the Spotify API docs for this endpoint. egoryResponse`
import { createClient } from 'spotify-web-api-client';
import { fetcher } from 'spotify-web-api-client/fetcher';
import { createBearerAuthMiddleware } from 'spotify-web-api-client/middleware';
import { getCategory } from 'spotify-web-api-client/browse';
(async () => {
const client = createClient(
createBearerAuthMiddleware({ token: 'NPrq7CF6QxVFo0eKO4aDdzV3G52R2EIMHt8' })
const { body } = await getCategory(client, {
category_id: 'party',
country: 'US'
console.log(`Found category ${}`);
Get a list of categories used to tag items in Spotify.
getCategories(client: Fetcher, parameters: GetCategoriesParameters): GetCategoriesResponse
Fetcher - Client used to execute the request.parameters?
string - ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. Provide this parameter to ensure that the category exists for a particular country.locale?
string - The desired language, consisting of an ISO 639-1 language code and an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code, joined by an underscore. For example: es_MX, meaning "Spanish (Mexico)". Provide this parameter if you want the category strings returned in a particular language. Note that, if locale is not supplied, or if the specified language is not available, the category strings returned will be in the Spotify default language (American English).limit?
number - The maximum number of items to return. Default: 20. Minimum: 1. Maximum: 50.offset?
number - The index of the first item to return. Default: 0 (the first object). Use with limit to get the next set of items.
Read the Spotify API docs for this endpoint. egoriesResponse`
import { createClient } from 'spotify-web-api-client';
import { fetcher } from 'spotify-web-api-client/fetcher';
import { createBearerAuthMiddleware } from 'spotify-web-api-client/middleware';
import { getCategories } from 'spotify-web-api-client/browse';
(async () => {
const client = createClient(
createBearerAuthMiddleware({ token: 'NPrq7CF6QxVFo0eKO4aDdzV3G52R2EIMHt8' })
const { body } = await getCategories(client, {
country: 'DE',
locale: 'de_DE',
limit: 30
console.log(`Found ${} categories.`);
Get a list of Spotify featured playlists.
getFeaturedPlaylists(client: Fetcher, parameters?: GetFeaturedPlaylistsParameters): GetFeaturedPlaylistsResponse
Fetcher - Client used to execute the request.parameters?
string - The desired language, consisting of an ISO 639-1 language code and an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code, joined by an underscore. For example: es_MX, meaning "Spanish (Mexico)". Provide this parameter if you want the category strings returned in a particular language. Note that, if locale is not supplied, or if the specified language is not available, the category strings returned will be in the Spotify default language (American English).country?
string - ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. Provide this parameter to ensure that the category exists for a particular country.timestamp?
string - A timestamp in ISO 8601 format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss. Use this parameter to specify the user’s local time to get results tailored for that specific date and time in the day. If not provided, the response defaults to the current UTC time.limit?
number - The maximum number of items to return. Default: 20. Minimum: 1. Maximum: 50.offset?
number - The index of the first item to return. Default: 0 (the first object). Use with limit to get the next set of items.
Read the Spotify API docs for this endpoint. turedPlaylistsResponse`
import { createClient } from 'spotify-web-api-client';
import { fetcher } from 'spotify-web-api-client/fetcher';
import { createBearerAuthMiddleware } from 'spotify-web-api-client/middleware';
import { getFeaturedPlaylists } from 'spotify-web-api-client/browse';
(async () => {
const client = createClient(
createBearerAuthMiddleware({ token: 'NPrq7CF6QxVFo0eKO4aDdzV3G52R2EIMHt8' })
const { body } = await getFeaturedPlaylists(client, {
country: 'DE',
locale: 'de_DE',
timestamp: '2020-06-01T09:00:00',
limit: 30
Get a list of new album releases featured in Spotify.
getNewReleases(client: Fetcher, parameters?: GetNewReleasesParameters): GetNewReleasesResponse
Fetcher - Client used to execute the request.parameters?
string - ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. Provide this parameter to ensure that the category exists for a particular country.limit?
number - The maximum number of items to return. Default: 20. Minimum: 1. Maximum: 50.offset?
number - The index of the first item to return. Default: 0 (the first object). Use with limit to get the next set of items.
Read the Spotify API docs for this endpoint. ReleasesResponse`
import { createClient } from 'spotify-web-api-client';
import { fetcher } from 'spotify-web-api-client/fetcher';
import { createBearerAuthMiddleware } from 'spotify-web-api-client/middleware';
import { getNewReleases } from 'spotify-web-api-client/browse';
(async () => {
const client = createClient(
createBearerAuthMiddleware({ token: 'NPrq7CF6QxVFo0eKO4aDdzV3G52R2EIMHt8' })
const { body } = await getNewReleases(client, {
country: 'US',
limit: 30
Get a list of Spotify playlists tagged with a particular category.
getPlaylistsForCategory(client: Fetcher, parameters: GetPlaylistsForCategoryParameters): GetPlaylistsForCategoryResponse
Fetcher - Client used to execute the request.parameters
string - The Spotify category ID for the
string - ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. Provide this parameter to ensure that the category exists for a particular country.limit?
number - The maximum number of items to return. Default: 20. Minimum: 1. Maximum: 50.offset?
number - The index of the first item to return. Default: 0 (the first object). Use with limit to get the next set of items.
Read the Spotify API docs for this endpoint. ylistsForCategoryResponse`
import { createClient } from 'spotify-web-api-client';
import { fetcher } from 'spotify-web-api-client/fetcher';
import { createBearerAuthMiddleware } from 'spotify-web-api-client/middleware';
import { getPlaylistsForCategory } from 'spotify-web-api-client/browse';
(async () => {
const client = createClient(
createBearerAuthMiddleware({ token: 'NPrq7CF6QxVFo0eKO4aDdzV3G52R2EIMHt8' })
const { body } = await getPlaylistsForCategory(client, {
category_id: 'party',
country: 'US'
console.log(`Found ${} playlists.`);
Recommendations are generated based on the available information for a given seed entity and matched against similar artists and tracks. If there is sufficient information about the provided seeds, a list of tracks will be returned together with pool size details.
getRecommendations(client: Fetcher, parameters?: GetRecommendationsParameters): GetRecommendationsResponse
Fetcher - Client used to execute the request.parameters?
number - The maximum number of items to return. Default: 20. Minimum: 1. Maximum:
string - An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code or the string'from_token'
number - A hard ceiling value for any of the available tunable track attributes. Check the Spotify documentation for available attributes.min_*?
number - A hard floor value for any of the available tunable track attributes. Check the Spotify documentation for available attributes.seed_artists?
string[] - Array of Spotify IDs for seed artists.seed_genres?
string[] - Array of seed genres.seed_tracks?
string[] - Array Spotify IDs for seed tracks.target_*?
number - A target value for any of the available tunable track attributes. Check the Spotify documentation for available attributes.
Read the Spotify API docs for this endpoint. ommendationsResponse`
import { createClient } from 'spotify-web-api-client';
import { fetcher } from 'spotify-web-api-client/fetcher';
import { createBearerAuthMiddleware } from 'spotify-web-api-client/middleware';
import { getRecommendations } from 'spotify-web-api-client/browse';
(async () => {
const client = createClient(
createBearerAuthMiddleware({ token: 'NPrq7CF6QxVFo0eKO4aDdzV3G52R2EIMHt8' })
const { body } = await getRecommendations(client, {
limit: 10,
market: 'US',
max_acousticness: 0.6,
max_energy: 0.9,
target_key: 0,
min_liveness: 0.2,
seed_artists: ['4NHQUGzhtTLFvgF5SZesLK'],
seed_tracks: ['0c6xIDDpzE81m2q797ordA']
console.log(`Found ${body.tracks.length} recommendations`);
Retrieve a list of available genres seed parameter values for recommendations.
getRecommendations(client: Fetcher): GetRecommendationGenresResponse
Fetcher - Client used to execute the request.
Read the Spotify API docs for this endpoint. ommendationGenresResponse`
import { createClient } from 'spotify-web-api-client';
import { fetcher } from 'spotify-web-api-client/fetcher';
import { createBearerAuthMiddleware } from 'spotify-web-api-client/middleware';
import { getRecommendationGenres } from 'spotify-web-api-client/browse';
(async () => {
const client = createClient(
createBearerAuthMiddleware({ token: 'NPrq7CF6QxVFo0eKO4aDdzV3G52R2EIMHt8' })
const { body } = await getRecommendationGenres(client);
body.genres.forEach((genre) => console.log(genre));
Endpoints for retrieving information about one or more episodes from the Spotify catalog.
getEpisode(client: Fetcher, parameters: GetEpisodeParameters): GetEpisodeResponse
Fetcher - Client used to execute the request.parameters
string - The Spotify ID for the
string - An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code or the string.
Read the Spotify API docs for this endpoint. sodeResponse`
import { createClient } from 'spotify-web-api-client';
import { fetcher } from 'spotify-web-api-client/fetcher';
import { createBearerAuthMiddleware } from 'spotify-web-api-client/middleware';
import { getEpisode } from 'spotify-web-api-client/episodes';
(async () => {
const client = createClient(
createBearerAuthMiddleware({ token: 'NPrq7CF6QxVFo0eKO4aDdzV3G52R2EIMHt8' })
const { body } = await getEpisode(client, {
id: '512ojhOuo1ktJprKbVcKyQ',
market: 'US'
console.log(`Found episode ${}`);
Get Spotify catalog information for multiple episodes based on their Spotify IDs.
getEpisodes(client: Fetcher, parameters: GetEpisodesParameters): GetEpisodesResponse
Fetcher - Client used to execute the request.parameters
string[] - Array of the Spotify IDs for the episodes. Maximum: 50
string - An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code or the string.
Read the Spotify API docs for this endpoint. sodesResponse`
import { createClient } from 'spotify-web-api-client';
import { fetcher } from 'spotify-web-api-client/fetcher';
import { createBearerAuthMiddleware } from 'spotify-web-api-client/middleware';
import { getEpisodes } from 'spotify-web-api-client/episodes';
(async () => {
const client = createClient(
createBearerAuthMiddleware({ token: 'NPrq7CF6QxVFo0eKO4aDdzV3G52R2EIMHt8' })
const { body } = await getEpisodes(client, {
ids: ['77o6BIVlYM3msb4MMIL1jH', '0Q86acNRm6V9GYx55SXKwf'],
market: 'US'
body.episodes.forEach((episode) => {
// `episode` may be `null` here if the ID at the
// corresponding position in the `ids` array
// returned no results.
if (episode) {
console.log(`Found episode ${}`);
Check to see if one or more Spotify users are following a specified playlist.
areFollowingPlaylist(client: Fetcher, parameters: AreFollowingPlaylistParameters): AreFollowingPlaylistResponse
Fetcher - Client used to execute the request.parameters
string - The Spotify ID of the playlist.ids
string[] - Array of Spotify user IDs to check. Maximum 5 IDs.
Read the Spotify API docs for this endpoint.
lowingPlaylistResponse sodesResponse