You give a Spotify song, you get a YouTube song.
Spotify to YouTube
You give a Spotify song, you get a YouTube song.
From a Spotify track URI (or just the ID, or a whole Spotify API track object if you already have one handy), do a YouTube Music search and return my uneducated guess of what would be the best match amongst the results (see code for details).
I might tweak that logic without warning.
Note that this package depends on an authenticated instance of spotify-web-api-node that you need to inject.
npm install spotify-to-youtube spotify-web-api-node
const SpotifyToYoutube = require('spotify-to-youtube')
const SpotifyWebApi = require('spotify-web-api-node')
// If you have API credentials
const spotifyApi = new SpotifyWebApi({
clientId: '...',
clientSecret: '...',
redirectUri: '...'
// If you already have an access token
const spotifyApi = new SpotifyWebApi()
const spotifyToYoutube = SpotifyToYoutube(spotifyApi)
async function main () {
const id = await spotifyToYoutube('spotify:track:3djNBlI7xOggg7pnsOLaNm')
console.log(id) // J7_bMdYfSws
You could also pass just the track ID instead of the URI:
const id = await spotifyToYoutube('3djNBlI7xOggg7pnsOLaNm')
console.log(id) // J7_bMdYfSws
Or even the whole track object as returned by the Spotify API, then the function won't need to make any call to the Spotify API.
Also if you pass an array, it'll just work, and you'll get an array back.
To run the tests, you need to configure your Spotify cookie
in config.test.json
cp config.test.sample.json config.test.json
Then edit config.test.json
to add your spDcCookie
You can now run tests with:
npm test
Note: the tests hit the live servers, requests are not mocked. This means they're going to fail if YouTube returns different results, and will need to be updated accordingly.
For example it seems that YouTube Music likes to re-upload songs on the same channel with the same title but a different ID. Go figure out why. 🤷