An electron-vue project
is a highly customizable Splitting-App. Make the Splitter fit to you; not the other way around
- Runs on multiplatform (MacOS, Linux, Windows)
- Uses Vue to build a dynamic and fast User-Interface
To Do List:
- Loading of: Custom Templates and Styles
- Editor to manage Splits
- Style "Framework"/Base for easy template and style creation
- Goodlooking default styles/templates
- Documentation for everything you can think of
- (Context-)Menu Customization
- Plugins integration
- Integrated Splits converter (LiveSplit, Urn, SplitterZ, ...)
- ... and a lot more to come!
Since this app is still heavily under construction, there're no actual binaries yet which means you have to build the app yourself.
You'll need to have Node JS and NPM installed on your System. For installation guides check the website of the Project.
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:9080
npm run dev
# build electron application for production
npm run build
# run unit & end-to-end tests
npm test
Awesome Projects being used
- electron-vue as Boilerplate and base-structure
- vue for the dynamic UI
- electron to create a customizable browser in which this app is running in