Virtual serial device using Web MIDI API as the transport
A virtual node-serialport implementation that uses Web MIDI API as the transport.
why SPLIDI ?
The Web MIDI API only allows actual MIDI protocol data to be sent to and received from MIDI devices. In order to use the protocol as a transport for any type of binary data, we need to split each byte into pieces to fit into MIDI packets. Split+MIDI = SPLIDI
Use web midi to send/receive data to a connected MIDI physical device:
using Echo demo sketch
Write the examples/SplidiEcho arduino sketch to microcontroller with a 32u4 chip such as an Arduion Leonardo or Micro
From a browser:
var splidiSerialPort = require('splidi-serial').SerialPort;
//create the splidi serialport and optionally specify MIDI device IDs
var serialPort = new splidiSerialPort({
// OPTIONAL inputId : 'xxxxxxx',
// OPTIONAL ouputId : 'xxxxxxx'
serialPort.on('open', function(){
//send some random bytes
serialPort.write(new Buffer([234, 15, 0, 127]));
serialPort.on('data', function(data){
console.log('data recieved', data);
using StandardFirmataSplidi.ino
var splidiSerialPort = require('splidi-serial').SerialPort;
var firmata = require('firmata');
//create the splidi serialport and optionally specify MIDI device IDs
var serialPort = new splidiSerialPort({
inputId : '469915632',
ouputId : '-1841044055'
//use the virtual serial port to send a firmata device
var board = new firmata.Board(serialPort, function (err, ok) {
if (err){ throw err; }
//light up a pin
board.digitalWrite(13, 1);