An smtp client
This is an SMTP client for use on the same domain as the 'from' email address.
The domain should at least have an SPF TXT record defined to ensure it passes an authencation check by the recipient mail server.
Sending from localhost might work depending on the server you're sending to. Typically the first email will pass, but subsequent emails will be blacklisted.
const smtpClient = require('spectre-integrated-smtp-client')
const mail = new smtpClient({
to: '[email protected]', // required String
from: '[email protected]', // required String
fromName: 'Charles Johannisen', // optional String
subject: 'This is a subject', // optional String
message: { // required Object
text: 'Hi,\n\nThis a text message.\n\nRegards\nCharles', // optional String
html: '<b>Hi</b>,<br /><br />This an html message.<br /><br />Regards<br />Charles' // optional String
upgradeConnection: true, // optional Boolean. Default: true. false will not (attempt to) upgrade the connection to TLS
attachments: [], // optional Array. see https://nodemailer.com/extras/mailcomposer/#attachments
replyTo: '[email protected]', // optional String
debug: false, // optional Boolean. Default: false. true will print out progress/interaction
timeout: { // optional Object. Default: {connection: 8000}.
connection: 8000
dkimParams: { // optional Object
domainName: '', // required String
keySelector: '', // required String
privateKey: '' // required String
mail.send() // returns Promise, resolves to {error: null, success: true}