A spiritual successor to @aldonline's sparql client
A simple SPARQL HTTP Client library for Node.js. The spiritual successor to Aldo Bucchi's node-sparql
Getting Started
npm install sparqlshine
var sparql = require('sparqlshine');
var client = new sparql.Client('');
client.query('select * where { ?s ?p ?o } limit 100', function(err, res) {
return console.log(res);
The result of calling the query()
function will be a raw object conforming to the SPARQL-JSON[1]
results format.
Core API
Low level function. Returns the complete SPARQL-JSON results object.
client.query('select * where {?s ?p ?o} limit 10', function(err, res) {
var ref = res.results.bindings;
for (var i = 0, len = ref.length; i < len; i++) {
Convenience Query Methods
Convenience method to get to the rows directly. Builds on top of sparql.query, like most of the other query methods.
client.rows('select * where {?s ?p ?o} limit 10', function(err, res) {
for (var i = 0, len = res.length; i < len; i++) {
Convenience method that only returns the first row in the result set
client.row('select * where {?s ?p ?o} limit 10', function(err, res) {
Convenience method that returns an array of with the first value of each row
client.col('select distinct ?name where {?s foaf:name ?name} limit 10', function(err, res) {
for (var i = 0, len = res.length; i < len; i++) {
What's with the rdf_value.value part? Read the SPARQL-JSON results format specification page.
Convenience method that returns only the first binding of the first row or NULL
client.col('select ?name where {?s foaf:name ?name} limit 1', function(err, res) {
Convenience Update Methods
There are a bunch of higher level methods that generate SPARQL for you. I am providing a small number of such methods, as I don't want this library to grow into something like Active Record.
Writing SPARQL by hand is highly encouraged.
Provide an abstraction atop a simple 'entity oriented' operation that is not so simple when you are working with SPARQL.
Imagine you want to do something like this, conceptually speaking: = 'Aldo'
You can get that with one simple call to the API
client.set('<urn:test:graph>', '<urn:test:aldo>', '<urn:test:name>', '"Aldo"', false, function(err, res) {
console.log('Aldo is now named Aldo, hooray!');
Not so simple? Well, compare that to the SPARQL Update statement that gets generated under the covers:
modify <urn:test:graph>
delete { <urn:test:aldo> <urn:test:name> ?x }
insert { <urn:test:aldo> <urn:test:name> "Aldo" }
where { optional{ <urn:test:aldo> <urn:test:name> ?x } }
Notice that, if <urn:test:aldo>
had a previous <urn:test:name>
, it will be replaced. If it doesn't, then a new triple will be inserted.
You can also delete a value by setting it to null ( effectively removing one or more triples )
client.set('<urn:test:graph>', '<urn:test:aldo>', '<urn:test:name>', null, false, function(err, res) {
console.log('Aldo went back to anonimity');
In this case, the generated SPARQL is:
delete from <urn:test:graph>
{ <urn:test:aldo> <urn:test:name> ?x }
where { <urn:test:aldo> <urn:test:name> ?x }
The 5th parameter is a boolean flag indicating whether the triple patterns should be inverted ( useful for when you only have the reversed predicate )
One Subject, several pairs Predicate-Object
Let's group some attributes of an user
attributes =
'<urn:test:username>' : 'haj'
'<urn:test:password>' : '123'
'<urn:test:name>' : 'Herman'
And we invoke mset
client.mset('<urn:test:graph>', '<urn:test:haj>', attributes, function(err, res) {
if (err != null) {
} else {
console.log('Error: ' + err);
The SPARQL query generated is:
INSERT INTO <urn:test:graph>
{ <urn:test:haj> <urn:test:username> 'Haj';
<urn:test:password> '123';
<urn:test:name> 'Herman'. }
Mocha is used for testing. Install Mocha by running npm install -g mocha
To run the tests, find the root directory of the project and run mocha test/sparql.test.js