Hooks collection for Sharepoint REST API with SPScript-B wrapper
sp-utility-hooks is hooks and helpers collection wrapping around spscript-b library that allows for easier work with Sharepoint REST API and managing data from lists and libriaries.
Feel free to open issues and give feedback :)
- React ^16.8
$ npm install sp-utility-hooks
- fetching data from lists (with filters, orders, expanding and selecting)
- fetching people from your site with query
- exporting data to excel (with xlsx library)
- client permission managing
- fetching dictionaries from Choice fields
All that in simple and clean way with Hooks !
About React and Sharepoint
Proxy your development
For your sanity please use sp-rest-proxy package when developing solutions in Sharepoint, it allows you to proxy all your request and authenticate you with your Sharepoint site, this way you can work and test on real environment, which speeds up development dramatically when using React and NodeJS server.
How i use React components
All my solutions are injected using ContentEditor Webpart with path pointed to bundled index.html in SiteAssets folder. It works pretty good, sometimes it messes with css there and there, but what can we do :)
I would love to develop my app using Sharepoint Framework, but on On-Premise versions of Sharepoint, SPFX doesn't support newest React versions which makes it useless for me (no hooks support)
Data/Fetch Hooks:
In most hooks you need to provide ctx
property in config object.
sharepoint context (if your page is on http://my-spsite/site/supersite1/page1.aspx you need to provide 'http://my-spsite/site/supersite1/' as your ctx url.
If you're using sp-rest-proxy and in development mode provide " " )
search people in SP Site with query passed in search function
const [people, search] = useSPPeopleFetch({
ctx: 'http://mycoolspsite/mysite/'
//use search function somewhere
//do something with data
people.data.map(person => console.log(person))
search data in sharepoint list
const [data, search] = useSPListSearch({
ctx: 'http://mycoolspsite/mysite/' // | required
listName: 'CoolList' // list name | required
fieldName: 'Title' // searched field (you can override it later) | required
searchType: 'substring' // you can choose between substring, exactString and number | required
searchCondition: '-eq' // you can provide all SP REST filters conditions, if empty defaults to -eq
selectFields: 'SomeNotCommonField' // you can select additional fields that are not returned with * in filter (like File etc.)
expandFields: 'File/Name' // you can expand fields
top: 500 // amount of records
order: 'asc' // you can use SP orders
odata: '&$filter=Name -eq 'Monika'' // you can inject additional odata
initSearch: true // set true if you want to pre-search data on component mount
initSearchQuery: 'Super Element' // query for initial search, only used if initSearch is true
// if initialSarch is set to true
// all your records are here after loading is finished
!data.isLoading && console.log(data.data)
// if you want search manualy, on input etc.
.then(response => console.log(response)
fetches SP Choice field options
const [dictionary, fetchDictionary] = useSPDictionaryFetch({
ctx: 'http://mycoolspsite/mysite/' // as always | required
fields: ['Status','Type'] // fields of Choice type in SP you want to fetch options from
listName: 'SuperList' // SP List name
//you can access your dictionaries after fetch
//any fields provided in fields propery are mapped to dictionary object with all choices that are in field
//you can refetch dictionaries, its pretty useless right now because you cannot override anything
exporting array of objects to excel with remaping names of properties (for column names)
const [save] = useExcelExport({
model: myModel // model used for remaping and changing properties on fly
onBeforeExport: doSomethingWithData(data => return data.map(val => val.count+1)) // do something with data before export
onBeforeParse: doSomethingWithData(data) // do something with data before parsing with model
//export on click
<Button onClick={() => save('filename', dataSource)}>
example model used for export, properites not in model are not exported !
export const exampleModel = [
{old: "property1", new:"Super property 1", render: (value) => value ? 'SUPER YES' : 'SUPER NO'}, //remaps old name to new name and change field value conditionaly with render callback
{old: "property2", new:"Super property 2"},
provides current user object and permission model
import {aclModel,config} from './config';
ctx={config.contextUrl} // your SP site url
//components you want to secure
//you can put router here and use can() function to check if user should get access to some pages etc...
example aclModel
const aclModel = [
action: "post",
permissions: [
can: "write", //you can name your ability as you wish
who: "[Bloggers, Administrators"] //Sharepoint group that youre checking against, if user is in one of those, he will
//be able to use "write" ability
can: "read",
who: ["Everyone"]
const {can} = usePermissionCheck(); // get user object and aclModel from SecurityContext
alert('Ha! You can't !')