sp-devops is a command line utility to manage devops for Microsoft Sharepoint Online for modern Front-End projects
is a command line utility to manage devops for Microsoft Sharepoint Online for modern Front-End projects.
sp-devops is a command line utility to manage devops for Microsoft Sharepoint Online for modern Front-End projects.
There are very few custom sites built on modern Front-End frameworks on Sharepoint Online 365. Its a big hassle to manage the deployment which is completely manual. To address this problem I have created this library and is being used in a project of mine
Checkout ng-sharepoint (https://github.com/joyblanks/ng-sharepoint), a sample project written in Angular and is managed by sp-devops
to deploy to sharepoint and its databases/lists are being created by it.
As a dev dependency in your project
$ npm i -D sp-devops # npm install sp-devops --save-dev
As a global tool
$ npm i -g sp-devops
$ sp-devops --deploy
Setup (create DBs, Sites, Populate, etc.):
$ sp-devops --setup
Get a Authorization Bearer Access token to use in REST API's
$ sp-devops --accesstoken
In your package.json add a script
scripts: {
"sp-ng-build-deploy": "npm run build --prod && sp-devops --deploy",
"sp-ng-create-lists": "sp-devops --setup --SP_SPEC_LIST=./<path-to>/<spec.json>",
"sp-get-access-token": "sp-devops --accesstoken"
Then from terminal run (This will deploy the site in a sharepoint folder)
$ npm run sp-ng-build-deploy
You can also setup all your lists/databases from here. Please note the script tries to drop the databases and then recreates them in order to setup. You can pre-populate the lists as well by providing data in a specification file.
$ npm run sp-ng-create-lists
Get a Authorization Bearer Access token to use in REST API's in POSTMAN or in fetch API's useful for standalone testing
$ npm run sp-get-access-token
Command-Line-Args and Environment-Variables
[NOTE]*: Do not put property accesstoken
, deploy
and setup
in .env files
| ENV | CLI property | Description | Usage | |--|--|--| | deploy* | Deploys the distribution to a Sharepoint folder | --deploy | | setup* | Create Lists/Sites, Preload data etc.|--setup | | accesstoken* | Get an Authorization Bearer accessToken.|--accesstoken | | SP_SITE-URL | Your Sharepoint Site Domain | --SP_SITE-URL=https://[$tenant].sharepoint.com| | SP_SUBSITE | If y_u are working on a SubSite |--SP_SUBSITE=Sub1/Sub2 | | SP_APP-CLIENT_ID | Sharepoint App Client ID | --SP_APP_CLIENT_ID=aaaaaaa-zzzz-1234-wxyz| | SP_APP-CLIENT_SECRET | Sharepoint App Client Secret| --SP_APP_CLIENT-SECRET=0000000000 | | SP_ACCESS_TOKEN | Sharepoint Authorization Bearer Token | --SP_ACCESS_TOKEN=Bearer [accessToken]| | SP_DIST_FOLDER | Path Local Distribution folder (Source)| --SP_DIST_FOLDER=../bin/src| | SP_REMOTE_FOLDER | Path to Remote Folder in Sharepoint (Destination) | --SP_REMOTE_FOLDER=SiteAssets/App| | SP_LOG_LEVEL | Logging level of the Application | --SP_LOG_LEVEL=debug| | SP_SPEC_LIST | Path to a JSON specification file which contains configuration to create lists and if data needs to be pre-polulated after creation | --SP_SPEC_LIST=./configs/create-list.json|
Sample Run [--deloy]
Sample Run [--setup]
Sample Run [--accesstoken]
Setup and Configuration
Setup a Sharepoint App to run sp-devops
Visit /_layouts/15/appregnew.aspx and generate your App Client Id and Client Secret. Provide details as shown in the diagram below and click create.
| Figure: Create Sharepoint App | |:-:| |
Copy the Client ID and Secret to later use this library.
Visit /_layouts/15/appinv.aspx and enter your App Client Id that you have just created and click Lookup.
Enter the Permission Request XML on the last field and click Create.
<AppPermissionRequests AllowAppOnlyPolicy="true"> <AppPermissionRequest Scope="http://sharepoint/content/sitecollection" Right="Manage" /> <AppPermissionRequest Scope="http://sharepoint/content/sitecollection/web" Right="Manage" /> <AppPermissionRequest Scope="http://sharepoint/content/sitecollection/web/list" Right="FullControl" /> </AppPermissionRequests>
| Figure: Request Permission for Sharepoint App | |:-:| |
Click on Trust It button to grant the Sharepoint App the required permissions
| Figure: Grant Permission to Sharepoint App | |:-:| |
NOTE: **For a remote folder in the above diagram in dropdown needs to be granted access, so the files can behave properly, even though they will be uploaded but will be downloaded and not executed on the browser. In the above
Site Assets
folder is given access to deploy the contents.
If you do not have authorization to create an App, you can ask your Sharepoint admin to generate an Authorization Bearer 'AccessToken' token and share with you which you can also use to fire this library.
Create a .env file in your project and specify these values
# -------------------------------------------- Common --------------------------------------------# # Your Sharepoint Site Domain SP_SITE_URL=https://${tenant}.sharepoint.com # If you are deploying to a subsite (Uncomment SP_SUBSITE) # SP_SUBSITE=mysubsite # Create a Sharepoint App # then get details from /_layouts/15/AppRegNew.aspx (generate App ClientId and ClientSecret here) # and trust your app from /_layouts/15/appinv.aspx (Give permissions and Trust app here) # Sharepoint APP's CLIENT_ID & CLEINT_SECRET SP_APP_CLIENT_ID=xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx SP_APP_CLIENT_SECRET=******************************** # Access Token from other sources (If you dont have Sharepoint APP's CLIENT_ID & CLEINT_SECRET) # SP_ACCESS_TOKEN=Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN> # Logging level Allowed = [info, debug, warn, error] SP_LOG_LEVEL=info # ------------------------------------------ Deployment ------------------------------------------# # Sharepoint-Remote-Folder: where the code-base is to be uploaded # Make sure it is a dedicated folder all files/folders are deleted before uploading SP_REMOTE_FOLDER=SiteAssets # Path to your local distribution folder location SP_DIST_FOLDER=dist # --------------------------------------------- Setups ---------------------------------------------# # Path to spec file for creating Lists, Sites, Populate data, etc. #SP_SPEC_LIST=./sharepoint-list-spec.json #SP_SPEC_SITE=./sharepoint-site-spec.json
In your package.json add a script and run (Refer #Usage)
scripts: { "sp-ng-build-deploy": "npm run build --prod && sp-devops --deploy" }
For Setup (like creating DBs and Sites/Subsites) [Look under ./assets/samples in this repository]
you need to pass a JSON file to create your lists or to pre-populate data
{ "config": [ { "name": "SampleList", "addToView": true, "addToQuickLaunch": true, "dropIfExists": false, "columns": [ { "__metadata": { "type": "SP.Field" }, "FieldTypeKind": 3, "Title": "Message" }, { "__metadata": { "type": "SP.Field" }, "FieldTypeKind": 20, "Title": "AssignedTo" }, { "__metadata": { "type": "SP.FieldChoice" }, "FieldTypeKind": 6, "Title": "Status", "Choices": { "__metadata": { "type": "Collection(Edm.String)" }, "results": [ "Created", "Assigned", "In-Progress", "Completed", "Archived", "On-Hold", "Cancelled" ] } } ] }, { "name": "ConfigList", "addToView": false, "addToQuickLaunch": true, "dropIfExists": true, "columns": [ { "__metadata": { "type": "SP.Field" }, "FieldTypeKind": 3, "Title": "JSON" }, { "__metadata": { "type": "SP.Field" }, "FieldTypeKind": 3, "Title": "Description" } ], "items": [ { "Title": "App", "JSON": "{\"pageSize\": 10, \"theme\": \"light\"}", "Description": "Config for App (light theme)" }, { "Title": "Dark-App", "JSON": "{\"pageSize\": 10, \"theme\": \"dark\"}", "Description": "Config for App (dark theme)" } ] } ] }
In you package.json add a script and run (Refer #Usage)
scripts: { "sp-ng-create-lists": "sp-devops --setup --sp-spec-list=./<path-to>/<spec.json>" }
All items in CLI/ENV options can be triggered. [NOTE]: CLI options overrides the ENV vars.
npm run sp-ng-create-lists -- --SP_SUBSITE=inside/more_inside
Please feel free to log Pull requests, issues, bugs and improvement ideas
Author: Joy Biswas @joyblanks