sort lists of objects by date strings
This module returns several functions that sort/filter a list of objects by date string. This module uses moment, so your date values can also be moment objects.
Given a list of objects that have a date value, you can filter by dates occuring:
- today
- tomorrow
- this week
- next week
- within a week (today + 1 week)
- this month
- next month
- within a month (today + 1 month)
- any range, given a start and end date
This module works in Node.js and the browser, with Browserify.
npm install sorta
All functions take the same first 3 params:
- [Array] an array of objects
- [String] key in each object that points to the date string (ie. 'date', 'start_time')
- [String] format of date strings according to moment#format
Others take an additional param.
The module returns an object with the following member functions. They each filter and return a list.
sort(array, key, format)
returns an array of objects sorted linearly from today to the future
range(array, key, format, begin, end)
returns an array of objects fliltered by the range (within the range). The begin and end params should be date strings in the same format as the rest, or a moment.js object. The other functions use this function.
today(array, key, format)
return an array of objects which have date-times that are Today
returns same for dates occuring tomorrow
returns same for dates occuring within the current calendar week (beginning Sunday)
returns same for dates occuring next calendar week
returns same for dates occuring within a week, starting today
thisMonth(array, key, fmt [, month])
returns same for dates occruing within the given calendar month. Defaults to this month. The month param can be a number (0,11), or a string, the name of the month.
nextMonth(array, key, fmt)
return same for dates occuring next calenday month
withinMonth(array, key, format)
returns same for dates within the next month, starting today
for convenience, this module returns the actual moment module.