Sodium free portable DHT backing the Solyd stack
Sodium free portable DHT backing the Solyd stack
npm install solyd-dht
const dht = require('solyd-dht')
const crypto = require('crypto')
const node = dht({
// just join as an ephemeral node
// as we are shortlived
ephemeral: true
const topic = crypto.randomBytes(32)
// announce a port
node.announce(topic, { port: 12345 }, function (err) {
if (err) throw err
// try and find it
.on('data', console.log)
.on('end', function () {
// unannounce it and shutdown
node.unannounce(topic, { port: 12345 }, function () {
const node = dht([options])
Create a new HyperSwarm DHT node.
Options include:
// Optionally overwrite the default bootstrap servers
bootstrap: ['host:port'],
// If you are a shortlived client or don't want to host
// data join as an ephemeral node. (defaults to false)
ephemeral: true
node.holepunch(peer, [callback])
UDP holepunch to another peer.
should be a { host, port, referrer: { host, port } }
where referrer should be the host and port of the DHT node who told you about this peer.
const stream = node.lookup(topic, [options], [callback])
Look for peers in the DHT on the given topic. Topic should be a 32 byte buffer (normally a hash of something).
Options include:
// Optionally set your public port. This will make
// other peers no echo back yourself
port: 12345,
// Optionally look for LAN addresses as well by
// passing in your own. Will also exclude yourself from
// the results. Only LAN addresses announced on the
// same public IP and sharing the first two parts (192.168)
// will be included.
localAddress: {
host: '',
port: 20000
The returned stream looks like this
// The DHT node that is returning this data
node: { host, port },
// List of peers
peers: [ { host, port }, ... ],
// List of LAN peers
localPeers: [ { host, port }, ... ]
If you pass the callback the stream will be error handled and buffered.
const stream = node.announce(topic, [options], [callback])
Announce a port to the dht.
Options include:
// Explicitly set the port you want to announce.
// Per default you UDP socket port is announced.
port: 12345,
// Optionally announce a LAN address as well.
// Only people with the same public IP as you will
// get these when doing a lookup
localAddress: {
host: '',
port: 20000
An announce does a parallel lookup so the stream returned looks like the lookup stream. If you pass a callback the stream will be error handled and buffered.
node.unannounce(topic, [options], [callback])
Unannounce a port. Takes the same options as announce.
Fully destroy this DHT node.
Explicitly listen on a UDP port. If you do not call this it will use a random free port.
Emitted when the node starts listening
Emitted when the node is fully closed.
`node.on('announce', topic, peer)
Emitted when an announce is received.
node.on('unannounce', topic, peer)
Emitted when an unannounce is received.
node.on('lookup', topic, peer)
Emitted when a lookup is received.
There is a CLI available as well.
npm install -g solyd-dht
solyd-dht # runs a DHT node