A Solid Start Auth strategy for working with forms.
A Solid Start Auth strategy for working with forms.
How to use
First, install the strategy and Remix Auth.
$ npm install solidjs-auth solidjs-auth-form
Then, create an Authenticator instance.
import { Authenticator } from "solidjs-auth";
// check out solidjs-auth documentation on how to create a sessionStorage
export let authenticator = new Authenticator<User>(sessionStorage);
Finally tell the Authenticator to use the form strategy
new FormStrategy(async ({ form }) => {
// Note that you can use fields other than email and password to validate!
// get the data from the form...
let email = form.get('email') as string;
let password = form.get('password') as string;
// initialize the user here
let user = null;
// do some validation, errors are in the sessionErrorKey
if (!email || email?.length === 0) throw new AuthorizationError('Bad Credentials: Email is required')
if (typeof email !== 'string')
throw new AuthorizationError('Bad Credentials: Email must be a string')
if (!password || password?.length === 0) throw new AuthorizationError('Bad Credentials: Password is required')
if (typeof password !== 'string')
throw new AuthorizationError('Bad Credentials: Password must be a string')
// login the user, this could be whatever process you want. For example, accessing a database and validating data.
if (email === '[email protected]' && password === 'password') {
user = {
name: email,
token: `${password}-${new Date().getTime()}`,
// the type of this user must match the type you pass to the Authenticator
// the strategy will automatically inherit the type if you instantiate
// directly inside the `use` method
return await Promise.resolve({ ...user });
} else {
// if problem with user throw error AuthorizationError
throw new AuthorizationError("Bad Credentials")
export default authenticator
This package is to be used with solid-auth. It adds the functionallity of being able to authenticate using a form, based on the equivalent package for remix called remix-auth-form.