Add a command palette to your Solid.js App
Some of the features offered by this library-
- Define actions with a simple config.
- Full keyboard support like open with CMD + K, navigate between actions using arrow keys.
- Fuzzy search between your actions on title, subtile, keywords.
- Bind custom keyboard shortcuts to your actions. They can be single letter, modifier combinations Shift + l or sequences g p.
- Enable actions based on dynamic conditions.
- Share your app state and methods to run any kind of functionality from actions.
- Full static type safety across the board.
Try the full demo on our documentation site.
Install the library
# Core Library
npm install solid-command-palette
# Peer Dependencies
npm install solid-transition-group tinykeys fuse.js
- solid-transition-group (1.6KB): provides advanced animation support. It's the official recommendation from SolidJS team so you might be using it already.
- tinykeys (700B): provides keyboard shortcut support. You can use this in your app for all kinds of keybindings.
- fuse.js (5KB): provides fuzzy search support to find relevant actions.
Integrate with app
// define actions in one module say `actions.ts`
import { defineAction } from 'solid-command-palette';
const minimalAction = defineAction({
id: 'minimal',
title: 'Minimal Action',
run: () => {
console.log('ran minimal action');
const incrementCounterAction = defineAction({
id: 'increment-counter',
title: 'Increment Counter by 1',
subtitle: 'Press CMD + E to trigger this.',
shortcut: '$mod+e', // $mod = Command on Mac & Control on Windows.
run: ({ rootContext }) => {
export const actions = {
[]: minimalAction,
[]: incrementCounterAction,
// render inside top level Solid component
import { Root, CommandPalette } from 'solid-command-palette';
import { actions } from './actions';
import 'solid-command-palette/pkg-dist/style.css';
const App = () => {
const actionsContext = {
increment() {
console.log('increment count state by 1');
return (
<div class="my-app">
<Root actions={actions} actionsContext={actionsContext}>
<CommandPalette />