A websocket manager for pheonix.js that guarantees one - and only one - websocket connection
SoleSocket is a api wrapper for the pheonix.js websockets implementation. It's main purpose is to be a fool proof way to create a socket and manage multiple channels.
It's main features are to guarantee only one socket will be established (to prevent echos), easy reconnection to a socket if it is lost (a difficult issue on mobile), and the ability to keep track of multiple channels easily.
Getting started
To get started you first need to install SoleSocket into your project:
npm install sole-socket
yarn add sole-socket
And then you'll need to initialize the socket instance - preferably from your app's index file (or generally anytime before you need to utilize websockets).
import { SoleSocket } from 'sole-socket';
const url = 'wss://my.socket.url/socket';
// The second parameter is simply the pheonix param: {} object
const socket = new SoleSocket(socketUrl, { jwt: 'my_token' });
And that's it! Your pheonix websocket is setup and ready to be used.
Using SoleSocket in your project
To use SoleSocket throughout your project just import the instance after you've ran socket.initialize()
import { solesocket } from 'sole-socket';
solesocket() // returns the instance of the initialized object
contains everything you need to interact directly with your websocket instance. If you need to access the the websocket you can import it with:
import { websocketSingleton } from 'sole-socket';
websocketSingleton() // returns the created websocket instance
Using the websocket directly is not recommended as a lot of the functionality provided by SoleSocket cannot be guaranteed if manipulated directly
Initializes a new socket singleton instance. Will not override previously created singleton and will attempt to connect / reconnect to the socket instance. If it's already connected it will return the socket's connection state. Returns a promise.
const socket = new SoleSocket(socketUrl, { jwt: 'my_token' });
You can create a new channel by calling joinChannel
with the initialize SoleSocket instance. The convinience here is that joinChannel() will automatically create a new channel instance and attempt to join it. If the channel already exists then the promise will resolve with a list of your current channels.
This method is also a promise and will return a list of all channels created (including your new channel) or respond with an error if creation failed.
const topic = 'fake:topic';
solesocket().joinChannel(topic).then((channels) => {
console.log(channels[topic]) // prints out the 'fake:topic' channel
}).catch((err) => {
// catches any errors thrown by joining a channel
subscribeToChannelEvent(topic, event, callback)
Subscribes to an event on a specified channel. New events received will trigger a callback function.
const topic = 'fake:topic';
const event = 'fake_user_message';
const callback = () => {console.log('Hello Event!')}
solesocket().subscribeToChannelEvent(topic, event, callback);
// On callback triggers 'Hello Event!'
sendMessage(topic, event, data)
Sends a message to the specified channel. Returns a promise with the data returned from socket.
const topic = 'fake:topic';
solesocket().sendMessage(topic, 'event', 'new message!');
Leaves a specified channel and removes it from the channels list.
const topic = 'fake:topic';
Disconnects from the socket and removes the singleton reference. Completely resets SoleSocket.
Publishing Package
To publish new versions of habitat first add you newest changes and increment the verison number inside of package.json.
Once that is done, commit your changes to git and create a new tag. For example:
git add new_file.txt && git commit -m "Add new file"
git tag 1.0.0
git push origin 1.0.0
git push origin master
After the tag is added to git you need to publish the package to npm by running
npm publish
This will automatically create a new build of the code and push directly to the npm package repository.