Install the softchat-js SDKs
Integrating the React SDK
Install the softchat-js SDKs
yarn add softchatjs-react softchatjs-core
npm install softchatjs-react softchatjs-core
Initialize the client. Create a free account at:
import ChatClient from "softchatjs-core";
const client = ChatClient.getInstance({
projectId: "your-project-id",
subId: "your-sub-id",
Wrap your application with ChatClientProvider and pass the client instance.
import { ChatClientProvider } from "softchatjs-react"
export default function App(){
return (
<p>My app</p>
To use the chat interface component in your application, import it into any page where you want the chat feature to appear. The Chat component renders the main chat UI and accepts props that provide data about the active user and potential conversation participants.
user -> An object that represents the currently active user's details, typically including properties like uid, username, profileUrl e.t.c.
userList -> An array of user objects, each representing a user that can be added to a conversation. Each user object might include uid, username and profileUrl to help identify participants in the UI.
import { Chat } from "softchatjs-react"
import { users } from '../constants/users
export default function ChatPage() {
return (
<div style={{ height: "100vh", width: "100vw" }}>
uid: "30",
username: "makaveli96",
The Softchat-js SDK offers a flexible way to customize the chat interface by allowing you to pass configuration properties (props) to personalize the UI.
Customizing the chat themes can be done by passing custom theme to the ChatClientProvider.
const sampleTheme = {
background: {
primary: "#FFFFFF", // White background for light mode
secondary: "#F0F0F0", // Light grey for secondary background
disabled: "#E0E0E0", // Lighter grey for disabled background
text: {
primary: "#000000", // Black text for high contrast
secondary: "#555555", // Dark grey for secondary text
disabled: "#B0B0B0", // Light grey for disabled text
action: {
primary: "#4F9ED0", // Dark teal for primary action buttons (accent color)
secondary: "#B3D8F0", // Light teal for secondary action buttons
chatBubble: {
left: {
bgColor: "#F0F0F0", // Light grey for incoming message background
messageColor: "#333333", // Dark grey for incoming message text
messageTimeColor: "#777777", // Medium grey for message time
replyBorderColor: "#D0D0D0", // Light border color for replies
right: {
bgColor: "#B3D8F0", // Light teal for outgoing message background
messageColor: "#000000", // Black for outgoing message text
messageTimeColor: "#777777", // Medium grey for message time
replyBorderColor: "#4F9ED0", // Accent color for reply border
icon: "#555555", // Dark grey for icons
divider: "#E0E0E0", // Light grey for dividers
hideDivider: false,
input: {
bgColor: "#FFFFFF", // White background for input
textColor: "#000000", // Black text for input
emojiPickerTheme: "light", // Light theme for emoji picker
export default function App(){
return (
<p>My app</p>
Custom components
Also, custom components can be used by passing them to the Chat component imported above. Full list of props below :
Prop | Usage|
--- | --- |
user | The user object represents the active user's details. E.g UID, username, profileUrl |
renderChatBubble | Allows rendering custom chat bubble component. |
renderChatInput | Allows rendering custom chat input. |
renderConversationList | Allows rendering custom conversation list. |
renderNavbar | Allows rendering custom side navigation bar. |
renderChatBubble -> This can be used to customize how individual chat messages look by passing a custom component.
import { Chat } from "softchatjs-react"
export default function ChatPage() {
return (
<div style={{ height: "100vh", width: "100vw" }}>
uid: "30",
username: "makaveli96",
renderChatBubble={(message) => (
<div style={{ padding: "40px", }}>
The renderChatBubble takes the message argument that can be used in the custom chat bubble component. With access to the message object, message details like time, text, attachments e.t.c can be displayed based on your UI.