a mongoose plugin that allows you to soft delete documents and restore them (for JS & TS)
a mongoose plugin that allows you to soft delete documents and restore them in MongoDB (for JS & TS)
Soft delete your MongoDB documents and restore them
JS and TS
🏠 Homepage
npm install soft-delete-plugin-mongoose
How It Works
Javascript Version
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const { softDeletePlugin } = require('soft-delete-plugin-mongoose');
const Schema = mongoose.Schema;
const TestSchema = new Schema({
name: String,
lastName: String
const TestModel = mongoose.model("Test", TestSchema);
const test = new TestModel({name: 'hello', lastName: "world"});
/*** returns an object containing the number of softDeleted elements ***/
{deleted: number}
the argument options is optional
const options = { validateBeforeSave: false };
const deleted = await TestModel.softDelete({ _id: test._id, name: }, options);
const deleted = await Test.softDelete({ _id: test._id, name: }); is also valid
/*** returns an object containing the number of restored elements ***/
{restored: number}
const restored = await TestModel.restore({ _id: test._id, name: });
/*** returns all deleted elements ***/
const deletedElements = await TestModel.findDeleted();
/*** returns all available elements (not deleted) ***/
const availableElements = await TestModel.find();
/*** counts all available elements (not deleted) ***/
const countAvailable = await TestModel.count();
/*** findById returns the document whether deleted or not ***/
Typescript Version
import * as mongoose from 'mongoose';
import { softDeletePlugin, SoftDeleteModel } from 'soft-delete-plugin-mongoose';
interface Test extends mongoose.Document {
name: string;
lastName: string;
const TestSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
name: String,
lastName: String
// two different ways of implementing model depending on technology used
// 1st way
const testModel = mongoose.model<Test, SoftDeleteModel<Test>>('Test', TestSchema);
//2nd way (nestjs way)
constructor(@InjectModel('Test') private readonly testModel: SoftDeleteModel<Test>) {}
const test = await new this.testModel({name: 'hello', lastName: 'world'});
/*** returns an object containing the number of softDeleted elements ***/
{deleted: number}
the argument options is optional
const options = { validateBeforeSave: false };
const deleted = await this.testModel.softDelete({ _id: test._id, name: }, options);
const deleted = await Test.softDelete({ _id: test._id, name: }); is also valid
/*** returns an object containing the number of restored elements ***/
{restored: number}
const restored = await this.testModel.restore({ _id: test._id, name: });
/*** returns all deleted elements ***/
const deletedElements = await this.testModel.findDeleted();
/*** returns all available elements (not deleted) ***/
const availableElements = await this.testModel.find();
/*** counts all available elements (not deleted) ***/
const countAvailable = await this.test.count();
/*** findById returns the document whether deleted or not ***/
👤 Nour
- Github: @nour-karoui
- LinkedIn: @nourkaroui
🤝 Contributing
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!Feel free to check issues page. You can also take a look at the contributing guide.
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📝 License
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