Zero configuration, unbundled, opinionated, development and prototyping server for simple ES modules development: types generation, format and linting, dev server and TypeScript support.
Zero configuration, unbundled, opinionated, development and prototyping server for simple ES modules development: types generation, format and linting, dev server and TypeScript support.
npm install -g snowdev
- No configuration needed (but still possible via cosmiconfig)
- Spiritual successor to budō
Develop packages
- Initialise a common structure for all your packages
- Optionally use TypeScript with sensible defaults
- Generate TypeScript types automatically (via
for JS only packages or usingsrc/**.ts
files) - Generate API documentation automatically (via
for JS only packages and inserted in README or viatypedoc
in adocs
folder for TypeScript packages) - Prettier formatter and ESLint linter on build
- Keep package.json keys sorted for consistency
Write examples
- Simple Browsersync dev server to watch and reload on changes with HMR (Hot Module Replacement) support via
similar to Vite - Write examples using standard ES Modules directly with import-map. See template/index.html.
- Build examples dependencies using browserlist with targets
defaults and supports es6-module
to publish as GitHub pages with decent browser support. - Choose which dependencies to convert to ESM (devDependencies, dependencies or hardcoded list)
- Write commits using the Conventional Commits Specification
- Release with StandardVersion to bump the version based on the commits (patch/minor/major = fix/feat/BREAKING CHANGE), generate CHANGELOG release, create a new commit with git tag
# Create folder
mkdir ~/Projects/package-name
cd ~/Projects/package-name
# Generate folder structure (entry: index.js)
npx snowdev init
# ...optionally use a TypeScript structure (entry: src/index.ts)
npx snowdev init --ts
# ...optionally passing your GitHub username if different from `npm whoami`
npx snowdev init --ts --gitHubUsername YourUsername
# Start a dev server and compile dependencies to ESM in web_modules
npx snowdev dev
# ...optionally passing options to browser-sync
npx snowdev dev --port 8080
# ...optionally watching ts files
npx snowdev dev --ts
# ...optionally watching ts files without dev server
npx snowdev dev --ts --no-serve
# Write code and commit all changes
git add -A && git commit -m "feat: add feature"
# Build package:
# - lint and format sources
# - generate documentation and insert it directly in README
# - generate TypeScript types from JSDoc
npx snowdev build
# ...optionally generate documentation in docs folder and compiling ts
# files and types using tsconfig.json
npx snowdev build --ts
# or directly prepare a release
# (build then run "commit-and-tag-version" committing all artefacts eg. docs)
npx snowdev release
# ...optionally passing options to "commit-and-tag-version" like prerelease
# setting a specific package distribution tag for "npm i package@alpha"
npx snowdev release --prerelease alpha
# ...optionally passing options to "commit-and-tag-version" like --dry-run
# to test release without committing to git or updating files
# or --first-release to only generate an initial changelog
npx snowdev release --first-release --dry-run
# and push/publish it
git push --follow-tags origin main && npm publish
$ npx snowdev --help
Start dev server and install ESM dependencies.
snowdev init Create simple package structure.
snowdev dev Start dev server and install ESM dependencies. [default]
snowdev build Lint and Format sources, run TypeScript, update README API.
snowdev bundle Bundle dependencies for development or production.
snowdev release Bump the version, generate changelog release, create a new co
mmit with git tag.
snowdev deploy Deploy to gh-pages.
snowdev install Install ESM dependencies.
Input/meta options:
--cwd Specify the current working directory for all commands.
[string] [default: process.cwd()]
--username Specify a user name for the init command.
[string] [default: $ npm profile get name]
--gitHubUsername Specify a GitHub user name for the init command. Default fro
m current npm profile or scraped from profile page.
[string] [default: options.username]
--authorName Specify an author name for the init command. Default from cu
rrent npm profile or scraped from profile page.
[string] [default: $ npm profile get fullname]
--name Specify an package name for the init command. Default to cwd
directory name. [string] [default: basename(options.cwd)]
--files A glob pattern for files to be processed by build command. A
ll JS and TS files in root or "src/" folder.
[string] [default: "{*.+(t|j||mj)s,src/**/*.+(t|j||mj)s}"]
--ignore Files to be ignored by build command.
[array] [default: ["**/node_modules/**", "**/web_modules/**"]]
--dependencies Install all dependencies from package.json, only devDependen
cies ("dev"), only dependencies ("prod") or an array of depe
ndency as ES module into web_modules.
[string] [choices: "all", "dev", "prod"] [default: all]
--updateVersions Update package.json engines with current Node.js/npm version
from template, and currently used snowdev version.
[boolean] [default: true]
--npmPath Specify a path for the "npm" package. If null, commands will
use "npm" from shell. [string] [default: null]
Commands options:
--NODE_ENV Define "process.env.NODE_ENV" and minify dependencies
if set to "production".[string] [default: development]
--ts Use TypeScript for init, dev and build commands (creat
e index.ts, watch files or build files). Auto-detected
if a "tsconfig.json" is detected with a "compilerOpti
ons.outDir" set. [boolean] [default: undefined]
--serve Start Browsersync on dev command.
[boolean] [default: true]
--lint Lint on build command. [boolean] [default: true]
--format Format on build command. [boolean] [default: true]
--types Run TypeScript (generate types or compile) on build co
mmand or watch on dev command.
[boolean] [default: true]
--docs Generate documentation (using "JSDoc" or "typedoc") in
file (between "options.docsStart" and "options.docsEn
d") or directory. Default to "" but "docs" if
"options.ts". [string] [default: undefined]
--docsFormat Default to "md" but "html" if "options.ts".
[string] [choices: "md", "html"] [default: undefined]
--commitAndTagVersion Bump the version, generate changelog release, create a
new commit with git tag on release command.
[default: true]
--crossOriginIsolation Add Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy (COOP) and Cross-Origin
-Embedder-Policy (COEP) headers to browsersync. Requir
ed for the use of SharedArrayBuffer.
[boolean] [default: false]
--http2 Serve with "node:http2". [boolean] [default: true]
--hmr Add Hot Module Replacement to browsersync. Requires "e
s-module-shims" with "shimMode".
[boolean] [default: true]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--help Show help [boolean]
MIT. See license file.