JavaScript command line application that allows users to manage and store code snippets
Snippets Manager
This is a JavaScript command line application that allows users to manage and store code snippets. It provides the following functionalities:
- Add snippet: Allows users to add new code snippets by entering a title, description, and code.
- View snippets: Displays a list of all code snippets stored in the application. Code snippets that are longer than 100 characters are displayed separately at the bottom of the list, with only the last three snippets displayed.
- Edit snippet: Allows users to edit an existing code snippet by entering a new title, description, and code.
- Delete snippet: Allows users to delete an existing code snippet by entering its title. If the user enters "all" as the title, all code snippets will be deleted.
The application uses the following packages:
- inquirer: A collection of common interactive command line user interfaces.
- fs: A built-in Node.js package that provides an API for interacting with the file system.
- cli-table: A Node.js module that provides a way to draw tables in the console.
- chalk: A Node.js module that provides a way to style console output with colors.
To use Snippets Manager, run the command "snippets" to view commands menu
Available Commands
Add Snippet - Store a code snippet
View Snippet - View stored snippets
Edit Snippet - Edit existing snippet
Delete Snippet - Delete a snippet ( add
to delete all snippets )Exit - Exit the CLI