Snappers SDK cordova plugin
Getting Started with the SnappersSDK plugin for Cordova (iOS)
Step 1: Instalation
Add iOS platform to your project. note that it is crusual that you install ios platform version 5.0.0 or higher.
From command line, in your project directory, run the following:cordova platform add [email protected]
If you previously installed iOS platform, make sure that you update it to version 5.0.0 or higher as following:
cordova platform update [email protected]
Install SnappersSDK plugin. From the command line, in your project root directory, run the following:
$ cordova plugin add snappers-sdk
Step 2: Obtain SDK token and secret codes and provide us with APNS certificate
Snappers identifies developers by their app's bundle id. To create a developer account and obtain the token and secret codes required by the SDK, drop us a message to [email protected], and include your app's bundle id.
Step 3: Configure App Settings
- In Xcode, from the target’s Build Settings tab, set Enable Bitcode option to NO.
- In the target’s Capabilities tab, enable Push Notifications, Keychain Sharing and Background Modes.
- In the target’s Capabilities tab, under Background Modes, enable Location updates and Remote notifications.
Step 4: Add required keys to your info.plist file
Snappers requires the following keys to be addded to the info.plist file.
Cordova developers might see this file as {PROJECT-NAME}-info.plist
- Privacy - Camera Usage Description : Add description
- Privacy - Location When In Use Usage Description : Add description
- Privacy - Location Always Usage Description : Add description
- Privacy - Location Always and When In Use Usage Description : Add description
- Privacy - Microphone Usage Description : Add description
- Privacy - Photo Library Usage Description : Add description
- App Transport Security Settings
- Allow Arbitrary Loads : YES
Either add them manually one by one, or use the following instructions to add them collectively:
from the xCode project, in the Project Navigator, right click on Info.plist, and choose "Open as" → "Source Code" Paste the following snippet into your existing plist. just before the closing tags at the end of the file
<string>We require access in order to record and broadcast videos</string>
<string>We require access to your location in order to match relevant events for your location</string>
<string>We require access to your location to find relevant events for you and to validate users content origin</string>
<string>We require access to your location to find relevant events for you and to validate users content origin</string>
<string>We requires access to your microphone in order to record and broadcast videos</string>
<string>We require access to your photo library to allow you to upload prerecorded videos</string>
Step 5: Facebook and Twitter authentication (Optional)
If you decide on using Snappers' Facebook or Twitter authentication, We'll require some additional keys in the info.plist file
- URL types
- item
- URL Schemes
- URL identifier : Facebook
- item : fb1973807389602856
- URL Schemes
- item
- URL Schemes
- URL identifier : Twitter
- item : twitterkit-c8k1VkrIs7tHDuHkcc5kzLJAX
- URL Schemes
- item
Either add them manually one by one, or use the following instructions to add them collectively:
from the xCode project, in the Project Navigator, right click on Info.plist, and click "Open as" → "Source Code" Paste the following snippet into your existing plist.
Step 6: Add 'Strip architecture' script to avoid rejections when deploying to App Store.
from the xCode project, In the target’s Build Phases tab add a new script and paste in the following :
find "$APP_PATH" -name 'SnappersSDK.framework' -type d | while read -r FRAMEWORK
FRAMEWORK_EXECUTABLE_NAME=$(defaults read "$FRAMEWORK/Info.plist" CFBundleExecutable)
for ARCH in $ARCHS
echo "Merging extracted architectures: ${ARCHS}"
lipo -o "$FRAMEWORK_EXECUTABLE_PATH-merged" -create "${EXTRACTED_ARCHS[@]}"
echo "Replacing original executable with thinned version"
Step 7: Notifications (Optional)
Snappers SDK works best when sending users invitations to broadcast via push notifications.
If you wish to use this feature, we will also need you to send us your apple push notification certificate, along with its password.
Step 8: Using Snappers API
You can continue to our step by step API tutorial
Or test SnappersSDK plugin using our Cordova demo app found here