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Welcome to Smoosic
The free music notation app that runs in your browser.
What is Smoosic?
Smoosic is a music notation application that runs in a web browser. It supports the following features.
- scores with part extraction
- playback with instruments and samples
- real-time editing, even for large scores
- MIDI and MusicXML import and export.
- dynamic music library with links to scores, tags etc. Inspired by iRealPro app 'ireal' format
- library mode for custom applications
Smoosic is highly dependent on the Vexflow engraving library, although we currently use our own branch.
See changes for changes, updates, initiatives etc.
There is a demo application that you can play around with that shows the capabilities.
What's new in Smoosic?
This is a completely new Github project. It contains 5 repositories (so far):
- vexflow_smoosic repository contains the vexflow engraving library described above.
- SmoSounds library contains .mp3 samples used for audio playback.
- Smoosic library is the source code for the application and associated library, and is the main Smoosic project repository.
- SmoSchema contains the definition of the Serializable Music Objects that Smoosic uses to persist files.
- Demos It contains test and demo applications. If you want to use Smoosic as a library in your own applications, you can use this as a model.
I'd like to help
I'd appreciate it! Even if you are not a programmer, if you are interested in music and this project, you can contribute.
I am working on a Github project with associated issues. Many of the issues involve programming, but not all. If you find an issue that interests you, you can ask to join the Smoosic organization and submit a pull request.