Collection of JavaScript utilities
Collection of JavaScript utilities
This module is written in TypeScript and transpiled to JavaScript. All typings are available alongside the code.
This code is licensed under the terms of the MIT license (see
Full documentation
Full documentation is available on GitHub pages.
Add to your project
Install from NPM:
npm install --save smhelper
API Guide
Include the module with:
const SMHelper = require('smhelper')
The module exports the following methods:
let obj = {
search: 'hello world',
page: 2,
marked: ['b', 'z']
let qs = SMHelper.buildQuerystring(obj)
// Result: search=hello%20world&page=2&marked=b%2Cz
This methods takes a dictionary (a set of key-value pairs) and returns a string that can be used as query string when building a URL. This method can be used together with SMHelper.buildUrl
Characters are escaped using the proper HTTP sequence when necessary (spaces are replaced with %20
). This method is Unicode-safe, and supports arrays .
let base = ''
// You can also pass this as a string: 'api/v2/list'
let parts = ['api', 'v2', 'list']
let args = {
search: 'hello world',
page: 2
let url = SMHelper.buildUrl(base, parts, args)
// Result:
This method builds a full URL starting from components above:
is the protocol and hostname, includinghttp(s)://
is the path, which can either be a string or an arrayargs
is the dictionary for the query string (passed toSMHelper.buildQuerystring
Returns a full URL, escaping values when necessary.
let obj = {
a: [1, 2, 3],
b: {
x: 1,
y: 'hello world'
let clone = SMHelper.cloneObject(obj)
This method clones deeply any JavaScript object (scalar or non-scalar) that can be encoded as JSON. Since the object is cloned deeply, there is no reference to values in the original object.
let obj = { a: 'b', b: false, c: null }
let onlyNull, result
onlyNull = false
result = SMHelper.compactObject(obj, onlyNull)
// Result: {a: 'b'}
onlyNull = true
result = SMHelper.compactObject(obj, onlyNull)
// Result: {a: 'b', b: false}
Removes from a dictionary (deeply) all values that are false-y. When onlyNull
is true (default: false), only values that are exactly null
are removed.
let obj = {
a: 1,
b: {
x1: 10,
x2: {
y1: 'Hello world',
y2: [100, 200, 300]
let desc, result
desc = 'b.x2.y1'
result = SMHelper.getDescendantProperty(obj, desc)
// Result: Hello world
desc = 'b.x2.y2.2'
result = SMHelper.getDescendantProperty(obj, desc)
// Result: 300
Returns a nested property from a dictionary or array, referenced by a string in "dot notation" (for example: key1.key2.0
let obj, result
obj = 100
result = SMHelper.isNumeric(obj)
// true
obj = "-100.4e2"
result = SMHelper.isNumeric(obj)
// true
obj = "hello world"
result = SMHelper.isNumeric(obj)
// false
Returns true if the passed value (string, number or any other object) is numeric: that is, if it can be safely converted to a float with parseFloat
let obj, result
obj = {a: 100}
result = SMHelper.isPlainObject(obj)
// true
obj = new Date()
result = SMHelper.isPlainObject(obj)
// false
obj = {a: new Date()}
result = SMHelper.isPlainObject(obj)
// true
Returns true if the passed parameter is a plain JavaScript "Object". This method checks only the passed object, and not its properties.
let obj, result
obj = 100
result = SMHelper.isScalar(obj)
// true
obj = "hello world"
result = SMHelper.isScalar(obj)
// true
obj = {a: 100}
result = SMHelper.isScalar(obj)
// false
obj = new String('Hello world')
result = SMHelper.isScalar(obj)
// false
Returns true if the passed value is of a scalar type: string, number or boolean.
let obj = {
status: "success",
auth: {
code: 23123213,
name: "John Black",
keys: [10, 11]
let preserveArrays, result
preserveArrays = false
result = SMHelper.objectToDotNotation(obj, preserveArrays)
"status": "success",
"auth.code": 23123213,
"": "John Black",
"auth.keys.0": 10,
"auth.keys.1": 11
preserveArrays = true
result = SMHelper.objectToDotNotation(obj, preserveArrays)
"status": "success",
"auth.code": 23123213,
"": "John Black",
"auth.keys": [10, 11]
Flatten a dictionary to the "dot notation", as used by MongoDB (see example code). If preserveArrays
is true (default: false), arrays are not transformed to the "dot notation".
let str = "*RRRING* Hello?"
let result = SMHelper.pregQuote(str)
// Result: \\*RRRING\\* Hello\\?
Takes a string and puts a backslash in front of every character that is part of the regular expression syntax. The resulting string can then be safely used as argument for new RegExp()
This is a port of the PHP preg_quote() function, and accepts the same arguments.
let pattern = 'foo*'
let value = 'foobar'
let result = SMHelper.strIs(pattern, value)
// true
Determines if a given string matches a pattern, allowing * as wildcard.
let str, result
str = 'hello-world-a-1'
result = SMHelper.stringToCamel(str)
// Result: helloWorldA1
str = 'hello_world_a_1'
result = SMHelper.stringToCamel(str)
// Result: helloWorldA1
Converts strings with dashes or underscores (eg. 'foo-bar' or 'foo_bar') to camelCase ('fooBar').
let input = '<p>Hello <img src="image.gif" onmouseover="some()"><i>World</i></p>'
let allowed = '<i>'
let result = SMHelper.stripTags(input, allowed)
// Result: Hello <i>World</i>
Strips all non-allowed HTML tags from a string. By default, no HTML tag is allowed.
This is a port of the PHP strip_tags() function, and accepts the same arguments.
let val, result
val = 0
result = SMHelper.toStringSafe(val)
// Result: "0" (as string)
val = false
result = SMHelper.toStringSafe(val)
// Result: "false" (as string)
Converts any value to string, ensuring that the number 0 and the boolean false are treated correctly.
let obj = {
hello: 'aa',
test: {
a: 'b',
c: 0,
d: {
x: 1
let property = 'test.d.x'
let value = [0, 1, 2]
SMHelper.updatePropertyInObject(obj, property, value)
// Output: [ 0, 1, 2 ]
Updates a property (represented in the "dot notation") in an object, modifying the original object. If the property doesn't exist in the object, it's created.