CLI to monitor folder tree for file changes and run commands with file-related parameters
A command line tool that monitors folder tree and executes configurable commands based on file modification type and file glob. It depends on the fireworm package
smartwatch [a|c|r|s] [glob] [command]
a: execute [command] whenever a file matching the glob is added
c: execute [command] whenever a file matching the glob is changed
r: execute [command] whenever a file matching the glob is removed
s: if present, the output of [command] will be silenced
glob: a glob, i.e. **/*.js
command: command to be executed when file matching the glob is added/changed/removed.
It can accept parameters like this: #{path}
Available parameters are:
path: full path and filename
root: file root
dir: path without the filename
rel: path without the filename and topmost folder
base: file name and extension
ext: just file extension
name: just file name
Multiple acrs/glob/command sets can be defined by adding additional parameters
smartwatch acr src/**/*.jade "jade -P #{path} -o build#{rel}"
This command will monitor the 'src' folder and compile all jade templates into the build folder, retaining the original folder structure.
The src/house/room/closet.jade will be compiled into build/house/room/closet.html
Smartwatch can be used for:
- source code compilation
- testing
- linting
- minification
- live reload
- and many more
Sample package.json using parallelshell:
"scripts": {
"watch:jade": "smartwatch acs src/**/*.jade "jade -P #{path} -o build#{rel}"",
"watch:coffee": "smartwatch acs src/**/*.coffee "coffee --compile --map -o build#{rel} #{path}"",
"watch:sass": "smartwatch acs src/**/*.sass "node-sass #{path} build#{rel}"",
"watch:spec": "smartwatch ac test/**/*.js mocha",
"watch:all": "parallelshell "npm run watch:jade" "npm run watch:coffee" "npm run watch:sass" "npm run watch:spec""
Now execute "npm run watch:all" to start all your watchers