RWE Smarthome API
RWE Smarthome API
Scrapes the RWE Smarthome Mobile Web Interface and implements the long polling mechanism that the site uses to be notified of changes.
The biggest problem is that it seems to timeout after a while and receives invalid response from the server (unfortunately with status 200).
Use it like this:
var smarthome = require('smarthome');
smarthome.connect(USERNAME, PASSWORD, function( error, api ) {
if (error) {
console.log("error:" + error);
//list sensors
//(the same works for api.devices and api.locations)
for (var i = 0; i < api.sensors.length; i++) {
var s = api.sensors[i];
console.log("Found sensor " + + " in " + s.location.displayName);
//you can search for devices or locations by id
var bath = api.location("dead1-beef2-cafe3-1234-5678");
var x = api.device("dead1-beef2-cafe3-1234-5678");
//or by name (case insensitive substring search, return first match)
var livingroom = api.location("livingroom");
//even on a location
var windowinlivingroom = livingroom.sensor("window");
for (var i = 0; i < api.locations.length; i++) {
var loc = api.locations[i];
console.log( loc.displayName + ": " + loc.temperature() );
//watch for changes like this:
windowinlivingroom.on("change", function(window, oldValue) {
console.log("Window in living room changed from " + oldValue + " to " + window.value);
//or for all changes. displayValue() gives human readable values
api.on("change", function(device) {
console.log( + " changed to " + device.displayValue());
//You can set values like this:
var actuator = api.actuator("dead1-beef2-cafe3-1234-5678");
actuator.setValue(1, function(error, newvalue) { ... } );
//the callback is not required - simply watch the device for changes when you need to be informed
//finally, very very rough error handling:
api.on("error", function(error) {
//To automatically reconnect, hook on "disconnect" event
api.on("disconnect", function() {
//create new connection, reinitialize listeners, etc