Intelligently show tooltip based on container position
What's this
A package that allows you tooltip to show intelligently base on where it is
npm i smart-tooltip --save
optionally run npm init -y
Make sure your plugin is always up to date for more stability
Bundling your app
Html (index.html)
<link rel="stylesheet" href="node_modules/smart-tooltip/main.css">
<div class="smart-tooltip-container" >
<span class="smart-tooltip">Welcome</span>
<script src="yourscript.js"></script>
Javascript (yourscript.js)
import {smartTooltip} from "smart-tooltip";
Bundling with Parcel (optional)
run npm i parcel -g
parcel index.html
- Forcing tooltip to stay at particular position _ Apply class stay-left | stay-right | stay-bottom | stay-top _ eg:
<div class="smart-tooltip-container" >
<span class="smart-tooltip stay-right">Welcome</span>
- Have you run into the trouble of having your tooltip cut because of a parent container overflowed hidden? Dont worry, just add the class overlay eg:
<div class="smart-tooltip-container" >
<span class="smart-tooltip stay-right overlay">Welcome</span>
NB: TO PREVENT TROUBLES WITH OVERLAY .. PLEASE SPECIFY DEFINITE WITDH FOR TOOLTIP NOTE: The Tooltip overlay will not work in a parent with transfrom property yet because of how css works (fixed position and transformed parent)... working on a fix for that soon
Do you want the tooltip stick around for a while...? Add the stick class with the time in milliseconds (stick-100) you want it to stay.
<button class="smart-tooltip-container"> Button <span class="smart-tooltip overlay stick-200">Tooltip</span> </button>
Or may be you want to tooltip to stick around until you click anywhere else .. in that case just add the stick class eg:
<button class="smart-tooltip-container"> Button <span class="smart-tooltip overlay stick">Tooltip</span> </button>
Force the tooltip to stay on Hover Even if stick time has expired, add 'stayonhover' class NB: Stay on hover works well when the "stick" or "stick-" class is used*
<div class="smart-tooltip-container"> Button <span class="smart-tooltip stay-bottom overlay stick-2000 stayonhover">Tooltip</span> </div>
You can also use smart-tooltip as a dropdown.. just add the 'clicktoshow' class to the smart-tooltip-container.
<button class="smart-tooltip-container clicktoshow">
<span class="smart-tooltip overlay">Tooltip</span>
*Feel free to clone the github repo and import main.css and index.js to your project