A basic library for adding labels to a visualization when there is enough space
Smart Labels
Add nearest on-hover and labels when there is space to your D3 chart. It should be faster than force based versions as it uses d3-delaunay, and it will choose which labels to show based on the amount of space available in the chart.
Based on the voronoi-labels example by @mbostock, and combining it with @fil's great occlusion example.
Receives the data, accessors for the x and y coordinates as well as the label. Expects all the coordinates to come in pixels.
<script src=""></script>
const svg = d3.create("svg")
// 𓈓 add your own marks (e.g. points), we will add the text labels
smartLabels(data, {
target: svg, // where to draw
label: (d) =>, // where to find the label in the data
x: (d) => xScale(d.x), // expected in pixels
y: (d) => yScale(d.y),
labelsInCentroids : true, // Draw the labels in the centroid of the voronoi
useOcclusion: true // Make occluded labels transparent
Default options
x = (d) => d[0], // x coordinate accessor, expected to be in pixels
y = (d) => d[1], // y coordinate accessor, expected to be in pixels
r = () => 3, // radius accessor, expected to be in pixels
label = (d, i) => i, // Accessor for the label
renderer = "svg", // canvas or svg
fill = "#333", // label fill color
stroke = "white", // label stroke color
width = null,
height = null,
target = null, // Where do you want it to draw
font = "10px sans-serif",
hover = true, // Show label of the hovered point
onHover = (i) => i, // callback when hovered, will pass the index of the selected element
hoverFont = "bolder 12px sans-serif",
labelsInCentroids = true,
threshold = 2000, // Areas over this size would get labels
alwaysShow = (d) => false, // If returns true for the node, it will always show the label
showLabel = (d, cell) => alwaysShow(d) || -d3.polygonArea(cell) > threshold, // If true, show the label
backgroundFill = "#fefefe01", // What to paint the bg rect of the labels. Needed for the onHover
strokeWidth = 5,
showVoronoi = false,
voronoiStroke = "#ccc",
showAnchors = false,
anchorsStroke = "orange",
anchorsFill = "none",
useOcclusion = true,
occludedStyle = "opacity: 0.2", // css style rules to be used on occluded labels
// For debugging
showPoints = false,
pointsFill = "#ccc",
pointsSelectedFill = "firebrick",
pointsStroke = "#ccc",
debug = false,
selected = null,
padding = 3, // label padding in pixels
Known problems
- Doesn't guarantee non-overlapping
- If two marks share the same coordinates it will draw their labels and anchors in the same position. It won't be possible to hover over the repeated ones
More examples
For observable notebooks please see @john-guerra/smart-labels
For other vanilla JS examples see the /examples folder