Smart file upload
Basics usage flow
Set the below variables in .env file
- MONGO_DB_URI="paste here mongodb uri" - REDIS_HOST=localhost - REDIS_PORT=6379 - REDIS_PASSWORD (this is not compulsion, remove this if your system doesn't ask for redis password) - MAX_PART_SIZE=10 (Note: represents in mb) (if the file is 100 mb, it will break in 1000/MAX_PART_SIZE = 100/10 = 10 multipart) - S3_BUCKET_NAME="name of you s3 bucket" e.g smartfileupload - S3_URL="s3 url of ur bucket" e.g - SERVER_URL="server url" e.g http://localhost:3000 - S3_BUCKET_REGION="s3 bucket region" (e.g us-east-1) - S3_ACCESS_KEY="access key for ur aws account with s3 previlage" - S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="secret accesss key for ur aws account with s3 previlage"
add the above varibales in .env and move to package installation
- run npm i smart-file-upload
required dependencies
"@aws-sdk/client-s3": "^3.348.0", "@nestjs/bull": "^0.6.3", "@nestjs/config": "^2.3.2", "@nestjs/mongoose": "^9.2.2", "@types/multer": "^1.4.7"
Note: use the latest version
Make a file-controller . You can access these
- FileUploadService
- this contains two service named
- upload() to uplod file
- getFileDetail ( get file detail based on mongodb id stored)
- this contains two service named
- FileUploadService
Helpful code
exmaple of sample controller file
import { Controller, Get, HttpStatus, Param, Post, UploadedFile, UseGuards, UseInterceptors, } from "@nestjs/common"; import { ApiBody, ApiConsumes, ApiTags } from "@nestjs/swagger"; import { FileInterceptor } from "@nestjs/platform-express"; import { diskStorage } from "multer"; import { Request } from "express"; import _ as path from "path"; import _ as crypto from "crypto"; import { DirectoryNameEnum } from "everestwalkgroups-file-upload/common/enum"; import { FileUploadService } from "everestwalkgroups-file-upload/"; @ApiTags("File Upload") @Controller("api/v1/file-upload") export class FileUploadController { constructor(private readonly fileUploadService: FileUploadService) {} @ApiConsumes("multipart/form-data") @ApiBody({ schema: { type: "object", properties: { file: { type: "string", format: "binary", }, }, }, }) @UseInterceptors( FileInterceptor("file", { storage: diskStorage({ destination: function ( req: Request, file: Express.Multer.File, cb: (error: Error, destination: string) => void ) { cb(null, path.resolve(DirectoryNameEnum.UPLOADS)); }, filename: function ( req: Request, file: Express.Multer.File, cb: (error: Error, filename: string) => void ) { const parsed = path.parse(file.originalname); const ext = parsed.ext; file.originalname = Buffer.from(, "binary").toString(); file.filename = crypto.randomUUID() + "-" + + ext; cb(null, file.filename); }, }), }) ) @Post() async upload(@UploadedFile() file: Express.Multer.File) { return { statusCode: HttpStatus.CREATED, data: await this.fileUploadService.upload(file), }; } @Get(":id") async getFileDetail(@Param("id") id: string) { return { statusCode: HttpStatus.OK, data: await this.fileUploadService.getFileDetail(id), }; } }
Nodejs Please modify as per as your above code.