Effortlessly run cursor pagination queries using Slonik.
Slonik Cursor Pagination Query Builder
Effortlessly run cursor pagination queries using Slonik.
import { createPool, sql } from 'slonik';
import { cursorPaginationQuery } from 'slonik-cursor-pagination';
const pool = await createPool('postgres://postgres@localhost:5432/postgres');
const { rows, pageInfo } = await cursorPaginationQuery(pool, {
// This is the query that will be paginated.
query: sql.type(
id: z.number(),
name: z.string(),
age: z.number()
SELECT id, name, age
FROM person
WHERE age > 18
// At the minimum, you must indicate how many results you want to return per page and in what order.
first: 5,
// `age` and `name` are inferred from the query types.
// You may reference any column that is returned by the query.
orderBy: ({ age, name }) => {
return [
[name, 'ASC'],
[age, 'DESC'],
fromCursor: (cursor) => {
// Note that the members and order of the columns must match the order of the columns in the `orderBy` function.
return Buffer.from(cursor, 'base64').toString('utf-8').split(':');
toCursor: ({ name, age }) => {
return Buffer.from(`${name}:${age}`).toString('base64');
// (optional) This is the cursor that will be used to determine the starting point of the query.
// Note that the order of the columns must match the order of the columns in the `orderBy` function.
// If `after` is specified, the query will return results that come after the specified cursor.
after: 'Sm9objoyMA==',
// (optional) This is the cursor that will be used to determine the starting point of the query.
// Note that the order of the columns must match the order of the columns in the `orderBy` function.
// If `before` is specified, the query will return results that come before the specified cursor.
before: 'Sm9objoyMA==',
Running Slonik tests requires having a local PostgreSQL instance.
The easiest way to setup a temporary instance for testing is using Docker, e.g.
docker run --rm -it -e POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD=trust -p 5432:5432 --name slonik-test postgres -N 1000