XDCC download manager with web frontend written in node.js
Slingxdcc is an XDCC download manager completely written in javascript.
requires Node.js
Tested on Windows and Linux
Installation via source
Grab the source or clone the repo, then in terminal:
$ npm install
$ node slingxdcc
Installation via npm
# npm install -g slingxdcc
Make sure you config your downloads folder! Then start via:
$ slingxdcc
Point your browser to localhost:3000
Enable https
Follow this guide till Step 4: How to create a self-signed SSL Certificate
Copy server.key and server.crt into ssl directory and make sure ssl is activated in config/settings.json
"webserver": {
"port": 3000 // Webserver port
"ssl": true, // Use https
"ssl.crt": "ssl/server.crt", // Path to ssl.crt
"ssl.key": "ssl/server.key" // Path to ssl.key
"logger": {
"packRegex": "#(\\d+)\\s+(\\d+)x\\s+\\[\\s*[><]?([0-9\\.]+)([TGMKtga
k]?)\\]\\s+(.*)", // Regex for pack information
"packdb": "packets.db" // Path to packdb file
"autocleandb": true, // Clean redundant entries from packdb
"cleandb_Xminutes": 60 // Clean every X minutes
"redundantPercentage": 2, // If there are more then 25% redundant
"servers": {} // Servers and channels, can be edited via GUI
"downloadHandler": {
"destination": "downloads/", // Downloads folder
"resumeDownloads": true, // Resume or overwrite downloads
"refreshInterval": 1 // Interval in seconds progress update is displayed
"packetList": {
"sortBy": "lastseen" // Sort search by, can be edited via GUI
"sortOrder": "desc", // Sort order, can be edited via GUI
"filterDiscon": true // Filter offline downloads
"pageItemLimit": 20 // Items per page
"downloads": {}