WebGL2 powered slide show with advanced transition animations
SlideShowGL is a javascript-library that you can ues to render images on your website with advanced transformation aniamations.
You can have a look at the already implemented animations on my homepage:
I published SLideShowGL as an npm-package. To Install it, use:
npm i slideshowgl
Because SlideShowGL is powered by WebGL2, you need to create a canvas-tag:
<canvas id="<your_canvas_id>"/>
// it is importat to an id to the canvas. SlideShowGL internally access the canavas by calling:
// document.getElementById('<your_canvas_id>');
// of course you can create multiple SlideShowGL-canvases per site!
- import the module
// import:
const SlideShowGL = require('slideshowgl');
Use the module:
- instantiate SlideShowGL:
let sldShw = new SlideShowGL('<your_canvas_id>'); // this is why it is mandatory to assign an id to your canvas-tag
if( sldShw.supportsWebGL2() ){
// only continue if your browser supports WebGL2!!!
- start the animation:
let slMeta = {
// mandatory:
imgPaths: ['path0.png', 'path1.png', 'path2.png' ],
// OR:
images: [new Image()-Objects],
// optional:
animationDuration: 3 * 1000, // 3 seconds
delayDuration: 5 * 1000, // 5-seconds time lag between image-transitions
backgroundColor: [0,0,0, 0.0], // transparent background
animationType: 'Gravity',
splitDepth: 15 // the image will be split into 2^15 = 32,768 polygons
let startedSuccessfully = sldShw.startAnimation(slMeta);
if( !startedSuccessfully ){
// handle error!
The default animation is 'Gravity'. To get a full list of the available animations from which you can choose, you can call:
let animations = SlideShowGL.getAnimationIdentifiers();
// getAnimationIdentifiers is a static function of the SlideShowGL-Class that returns an array of strings
You can use one of these strings to set the animationType
By calling startAnimation(slMeta), you have to create a JavaScript-Object that at least contains either:
- imgPaths: array of strings
- images: array of 'new Images()'-Objects
If you forward imgPaths to the startAnimation-function, SlideShowGL will load the images itself. This may take a while depending on the image-sizes and bandwidth. To avoid loading times, you can also load the images yourself and forward the images directly as an array of 'new Images()'-Objects.
If you forward imgPaths, then you might want to know, when the loading of the images is completed. You can add a callback-function, that will be called when all images are loaded, right before the animation starts:
sldShw.onImagesLoaded = ()=>{ do something };
This comes in handy, if you e.g. want to hide the canvas or execute a waiting-indicator as long as the images are still loading.