A tiny node module which facilitates the construction of trigger based slack bots.
A tiny module which simplifies the creation of trigger based slackbots by allowing one to define handlers that behave in a command-argument style fashion.
The module consumes the following positional arguments and returns an express app suitable for use as the target of an outgoing webhook.
handlers: An object whose keys correspond to commands and whose values correspond to handlers of those commands.
name: The default user name used by the bot, this can be overwritten by a handler that returns a response object containing the user_name property.
slack token: The token provided by the outgoing webhook used to verify requests. Any request whose token does not match the one provided is dropped.
api token: Your slack API token used for user name resolution.
A handler is a function which consumes a single object with the following properties and returns a promise that resolves to the message payload. This can either be a simple string or a response object of the kind expected by the webhook.
- trigger: The bot trigger (i.e the first character of the posted message)
- req: The original request made by the webhook
- args: An array containing the tokenized argument list. Anything within single quotes is considered a single argument.
- ulist: An object mapping slack uids to nicks
The corresponding outgoing webhook must have the 'trigger word(s)' field set to a single character, this is the character which precedes each command intended for the bot.
if trigger word(s) is ~ then ~command arg1 arg2 'this is arg3'
will result in
the 'command' handler being called with an object containing args: ['arg1',
'arg2', 'this is arg 3']
var slack = require('slacktrigger');
var q = require('q');
var handlers = {};
handlers.argdump = function(opts) {
return q(JSON.stringify(opts.args));
handlers.greetme = function(opts) {
return q('hello ' + opts.req.user_name );
}; = function() {
return q('pong');
var app = slack(handlers, //handlers
'testbot', //default bot name (can be overwritten in a handler by returning a request object containing 'username')
'<slack token>', //slack token (provided by the outgoing webhook)
'<api token>'); //api token
// Sample input/output (assumes % is the trigger specified in the outgoing webhook):
// user: %argdump one two 'arg three' => ['one', 'two', 'arg three' ]
// user: %greetme => user
// user: %ping => pong