A slack bot solution for enterprise.
Command driven slack bot library focused to quickly rolled out api/data driven bots abstracting most common bot needs.
const SlackBot = require('slack-quick-bots');
const coolBot = new SlackBot({
// all bot schema
Simple bot
Step 1
git clone
npm install && node index.js <botToken> // pass your bot token.
Step 2
No more steps. You have successfully started your bot.
Sample reference app
Pagerduty bot
slack-quick-bots uses handlebars template as view layer for all bot output messages. When callback
with called with data
it is rendered against the template. Templates are like html. Data is injected into the template before sent to slack.
bot: [{
botCommand: {
firstCommand: {
commandType: 'DATA',
template: sampleTmpl,
data: function(input, options, callback) {
// input.command - for command name.
// input.params - for params in array.
// - email in slack.
// - channel from which the command was fired.
data: 'message to respond for command goes here'
schedule: true, // Generic schedule command for all bot command. Example command (schedule firstCommand (* * * * *)) executes firstCommand for every minute.
botToken: args[0]
Schedule command
schedule commandName [params] (* * * * *)
schedule firstCommand params1 params2 (* * * * *)
Command type
- DATA - Simple data query.
- RECURSIVE - Simple data query bound to a timer.
- Alert - Run a peak/dip algorithm on a dataset and notifies channels/users bases on the threshold set in realtime.
Response type
Library support wide range of response type. You can stream file of any type for a DATA command. The below sample is to generate a graph in realtime. Make sure you have gnuplot for graphs for time series data.
responseType: {
type: 'png',
ylabel: 'errors',
xlabel: 'title errors',
timeUnit: 'm',
title: 'Log data',
logscale: false,
style: 'lines',
exec: { encoding: 'utf16' }
Input validation
validation: [{
schema: [1, 1],
default: [1, 1],
help: [{
sample: '{firstArg}',
recommend: '1',
error: '{{arg}} is incorrect',
}, {
sample: '{secondArg}',
recommend: '1',
error: '{{arg}} is incorrect',
Supports regex
validation: [{
schema: [/^(?:[1-9]\d?|100)$/, 1],
default: [1, 1],
help: [{
sample: '{firstArg}',
recommend: '1',
error: '{{arg}} is incorrect',
}, {
sample: '{secondArg}',
recommend: '1',
error: '{{arg}} is incorrect',
Custom webhooks
Supports setting up custom webhooks. Below schema sets up a http server to serve webhook request. You should also add webHook: true
at bot level schema to make webhook available for bots. Custom webhook can be used to trigger long running operation and at the completion of the operation the hookUrl can be used to notify the user who triggered the operation.
server: {
host: 'http://custombothostname',
port: 9090,
webHook: true
data: function(input, options, callback) {
// options.hookUrl - http://custombothostname:9090//hook/U2U9RBV8R/69b773b0-a110-47cc-987d-48756d86a5ab.
data: 'message to respond for command goes here'
Access control
bot: [{
botCommand: {
firstCommand: {
allowedUsers: ['slackUserId'] // firstCommand work only for slack user with id 'slackUserId'.
blockDirectMessage: false, // block direct message to the bot.
Threaded Replies
bot: [{
botCommand: {
firstCommand: {
allowedUsers: ['slackUserId'] // firstCommand work only for slack user with id 'slackUserId'.
repliesInThread: true, // All Replies will be in threads instead of channel directly.
Testing bots
const onMessageSpy = sinon.spy((response) => {
setTimeout(() => {
expect(response.message).to.equal('Hello 1');
}, 1);
testBots.start().then((botEvt) => {
botEvt[0].on('connect', () => {
text: 'ping 1',
channel: 'D1234567',
botEvt[0].on('message', onMessageSpy);
Copyright (c) 2018 Umashankar Subramanian
Licensed under the MIT license.