Template-based Slack Dialogs made easy.
Slack EXT: Dialog
Dialogs are a nice feature of Slack. Setting them up might be a hassle that's why we've created a few shortcuts to get your dialogs working fast. It is template based, so you can easily change your dialogs without having to change your JavaScript code.
Install it using NPM:
npm install --save slack-ext-dialog
Fastest way: create form class
const { TemplatedDialogForm } = require("slack-ext-dialog");
class TestForm extends TemplatedDialogForm {
submission: any | null = null;
constructor(manager: TemplatedDialogManager) {
// the id of the dialog wil be 'tst'
// we're going to use 'dialog' template
super('tst', 'dialog', manager);
getTriggers() {
// the dialog is going to be shown, whenever
// an action with 'hello' is triggerd
return [{ actionId: 'hello' }]
async getTemplateData(payload) {
await Promise.resolve({
"title": "My first dialog"
async onSubmit(payload: IPayload) {
this.submission = payload.submission;
await Promise.resolve();
Now we need to hook the dialog up:
const { createDefaultDialogManager } = require("slack-ext-dialog");
const templateDir = "./templates";
const manager = createDefaultDialogManager("slack-token", "slack-signing-sercret", templateDir);
const dialog = new TestForm(manager);
Now you'll need to make sure you'll hand a handlebars template named dialog.handlebars
, like this:
"dialog": {
"title": "{{title}}",
"submit_label": "OK",
"elements": [
"type": "text",
"label": "Message",
"name": "message"
That's it!