CSS toolkit based on Inuit.css/ITCSS
Slab.css it a lightweight CSS toolkit based on Inuit.css/ITCSS.
Getting started
Install Slab.css via yarn or bower and include in you main scss file as follows:
@import "path/to/slab/tools";
@import "vars"; // Your variable overrides go here
@import "path/to/slab/index";
@import "path/to/slab/plugins";
// Your application styles go here
As your variable overrides can potentially use values specified in the various data maps, the functions to access these data maps need to be added first.
Slab.css handles 3 aspects of your application; breakpoints, colours and spacing. Each of these provide variables that can be overridden to suit application's design.
Slab.css manages its breakpoints and responsive helper classes via a sass data map $breakpoints
. The data map allows you to set a media query and give it a name allowing it to be referenced easier throughout your application.
$breakpoints: (
palm: '(max-width: 767px)',
lap: '(min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 1023px)',
portable: '(max-width: 1023px)',
lap-and-up: '(min-width: 768px)',
desk: '(min-width: 1024px)',
desk-wide: '(min-width: 1440px)'
) !default;
The defaults shown above are accessed via the media-query sass mixin:
.box {
padding-top: 1rem;
@include media-query(lap-and-up) {
padding-top: 2rem;
@include media-query(desk-wide) {
font-size: 1.5rem;
Managing colours in Slab.css is done via a sass data map named $palette
. The map allows for nicer management than standard sass variables and also creates helper classes to apply text and background colours to any element. Each colour added must have a tone named base
at a minimum.
Create map:
$palette: (
'grey': (
'base': #999,
'light': lighten(#999, 25%),
'dark': #333
'red': (
'base': #F00
Access to the map is via the getColour
.box {
background-color: getColour('red'); // 'base' is default
color: getColour('grey', 'dark');
A set of utility classes are also generated.
<div class="bg--grey-light text--red"></div>
Slab.css allows for the creation of utility classes and sass variables to help with spacing. A data map is used to create references to spacing values of your choosing. By default the data map contains:
$spacing: (
'small': 0.75rem,
'medium': 1.5rem,
'large': 3rem
) !default;
From these values, responsive utility classes are created for both margin and padding in the format `{namespace}-{margin/padding}{direction}-{data map key}’.
If we assume 1rem is 16px, then:
.m-small // margin: 12px;
.ml-none // margin-left: 0;
.px-medium // padding-left: 24px; padding-right: 24px;
.py-large // padding-top: 48px; padding-bottom: 48px;
// Responsive utility classes
.portable-mb-none // margin-bottom: 0; on portable breakpoint
.desk-wide-p-medium // padding: 24px; on desk-wide breakpoint
Note: Each value in the spacing data map can produce a large amount of css. If a value is not used in your application it is recommended to overwrite the data map in your _vars.scss
with the appropriate values to reduce file size. Or alternatively if your application does not make use of the responsive utility classes you can switch them off via the $slab-responsive-spacing
boolean variable.
Responsive visibility helper classes are available to hide/show content based on breakpoints.
.hide-palm // hide on palm breakpoint
.show-lap-and-up // show on lap-and-up breakpoint