Modernized Fork of Skycons
Skycons Modern
Skycons is a set of ten animated weather glyphs, procedurally generated by JavaScript using the HTML5 canvas tag. They're easy to use, and pretty lightweight, so they shouldn't rain on your parade:
<canvas id="icon1" width="128" height="128"></canvas>
<canvas id="icon2" width="128" height="128"></canvas>
import Skycons from "skycons-modern"
var skycons = new Skycons({"color": "pink"});
// on Android, a nasty hack is needed: {"resizeClear": true}
// you can add a canvas by it's ID...
skycons.add("icon1", Skycons.PARTLY_CLOUDY_DAY);
// ...or by the canvas DOM element itself.
skycons.add(document.getElementById("icon2"), Skycons.RAIN);
// if you're using the Forecast API, you can also supply
// strings: "partly-cloudy-day" or "rain".
// start animation!;
// you can also halt animation with skycons.pause()
// want to change the icon? no problem:
skycons.set("icon1", Skycons.PARTLY_CLOUDY_NIGHT);
// want to remove one altogether? no problem:
This is our rework for making the library itself more modern.
- Added package.json
- Add linting infrastructure + prettier
- Added babel for transpiling source code
- Removed commented out code to make things cleaner
- Added tooling for bundling script for publishing
and more...
Skycons were designed for Forecast by those wacky folks at The Dark Sky Company, and were heavily inspired by Adam Whitcroft's excellent Climacons. The source code has been released into the public domain, so please do with it as you see fit! ♡
Copyright 2018Sebastian Software GmbH