Skinny Widgets is divided into dozens of modules. Scripts and tools like this project are aimed to help keeping development easier.
Skinny Widgets Development Stand Project
Skinny Widgets is divided into dozens of modules. Scripts and tools like this project are aimed to help keeping development easier.
You can go with just WHATWG modules for development purposes. You will also need to install browser cache buster extension or equivalent way to prevent js and other files to be cached by browser.
Checkout, pull, commit, push all or corresponding to masks repos
npm run checkout-all --include-repos=.*alert.* --exclude-repos=.*antd
commit-all, pull-all, push-all tasks are working in the same way
Install packages to target
npm run local-install-all --include-repos=.*accordion.* --install-to-path=/tmp/test
Hot redeploying files
relying on the idea all dependant modules checkouted to parent watch can run rebuild bundle and copy to stand project automatically on changed. It can be helpful when you need to debug or develop some related to bundles functionality.
then run
npm run watch
You may need to have local/corp nexus to host your own npm packages. Alternatively there is a way, may be less reliable to install packages directly from filesystem.
Versions update
when you are done with changes you may need to check and update all the versions. Update script relies on structure described above.
npm run vbump 0.2.2 false sk-*