A legacy minifier combination that can handles ES6 import/export style and script styles without breaking your codebase.
simplify the modernization of your legacy project by combining a minifier capable of handling both ES6 import/export syntax and outdated script-style global-variable based code.
are you managing a legacy project that's in need of gradual modernization? Achieving that goal is commendable, but finding a bundler/minifier that seamlessly handles antiquated script-style global-variable based code as well as contemporary ES6 import/export syntax and node_modules/
dependencies can be daunting. You shouldn't have to put your project's evolution on hold for weeks to untangle this mess.
getting started
create a file named minify.mjs
import minify from "sitting-duck";
// You can either pass a string that will be interpreted as a glob pattern by globby or an array of files.
`_test/*.js, !node_modules/, !**/*.min.js`, // These would be your JS files
`_test/*.css, !node_modules/, !**/*.min.css`, // Here are your CSS files
install the necessary dependencies:
npm i -D sitting-duck
update your package.json
"scripts": {
"dev": "node ./minify.mjs --dev",
"build": "node ./minify.mjs"
execute the commands:
npm run build
npm run dev
optionally, update your .gitignore:
using import/exports with the // @MODULE
when importing a module from node_modules/
, add this line at the very beginning of the file:
see the _test/module.js file for an example:
import distance from "@turf/distance";
import { point } from "@turf/helpers";
const testModule = () => {
const from = point([-75.343, 39.984]);
const to = point([-75.534, 39.123]);
const options = { units: "miles" };
return distance(from, to, options);
export { testModule };
CSS files are also bundled and minified using esbuild, supporting syntax like:
@import "./parial.css";
for more information, consult the esbuild docs:
about this project
the objectives of this project are pretty straightforward:
- minify legacy files without breaking the code
- bundle and minify modern syntax
- streamline your codebase's modernization.
To do this, we use a simple concept: do not f*cking touch my code.
Sometimes, things just work. I understand and respect that and this project won't force you to use an arbitrary coding style, convention or syntax. When you're working on 10 000+ lines long files, you do not want your bundler to transform your code and unexpectedly break your app.
As a result of this philosophy, we use a combination of tools:
- swc to minify the legacy files. swc is fast, very fast.
- esbuild to bundle the dependencies and transform the modern syntax to
. esbuild is fast as well.
the files generated are saved at the side of the original ones and can be used in place of the originals.