node interface for mysql
sito-node-mysql @1.10.1
Create connection
const { connection } = require("sito-node-mysql");
connection.init({host, user, password, database});
// you can initialize your connection in the application
After the creation of the connection you can use the CRUD methods
Using mysql2
insert (table: string, attributes: string[], values: object)
const { insert } = require("sito-node-mysql");
/* ⚠ If you pass 'id' will override uuid id auto generated ⚠ */
const result = insert("users", ["id", "user", "name"], { user: "sito8943", name: "Sito" })
// sql => INSERT INTO users(id, name) VALUES('<uuid>', 'Sito');
update (table: string, attributes: string[], values: object, where: any)
const { update } = require("sito-node-mysql");
const result = update("users", ["name"], { name: "SitoNumbis" }, { attribute: "user", operator: "=", value: "sito8943" })
// sql => UPDATE users SET name='SitoNumbis' WHERE user='sito8943';
select (table: string || string[], attributes: string[], where: any, start: number, end: number)
const { select } = require("sito-node-mysql");
const result = select("users", ["name"], { attribute: "user", operator: "=", value: "sito8943" })
// sql => SELECT name FROM users WHERE user='sito8943';
deleteDocuments (table: string, where: any)
const { deleteDocuments } = require("sito-node-mysql");
const result = deleteDocuments("users", { attribute: "user", operator: "=", value: "sito8943" })
// sql => DELETE FROM users WHERE user='sito8943';
Where as object (single where)
attribute: "string",
operator: "=" // can be =, >, <, >=, <=, <>, BETWEEN, LIKE, IN
value: "string", // or number, NOTE can be and array if you are using IN operator
value1: "string" or number // if you are using BETWEEN operator
parenthesis: string // this will type the 'parenthesis' '(' or ')' exactly in the location
Where as array (multi where)
attribute: "string",
operator: "=" // can be =, >, <, >=, <=, <>, BETWEEN, LIKE, IN
value: "string", // or number, NOTE can be and array if you are using IN operator
value1: "string" or number // if you are using BETWEEN operator
logic: "AND", // or "OR" the firs logic will be not taken