SiteD plugin testing tool for Node JavaScript version, for SiteD developers testing their own plugins on computer/desktop platform.
SiteD plugin testing tool for Node JavaScript version, for SiteD developers testing their own plugins on computer/desktop platform.
[ 中文说明]
- To automatically test SiteD plugin on Windows/Linux/macOS
- Need sited_js for below:
- Support
- Support running
,require(include online js library)
- Support
configurations - Support
* Outputs nodes' data to console on Nodejs.
* @param sitedPath: A string of .sited or .sited.xml file's path, advises to absolute path.
* @param key: A keyword string that is used for searching on search node.
* @param callback: Outputs the entrance test functions of home/search/book node etc.
* @param nodeName@doTest@home_test: The string 'hots', 'updates' or 'tags', which starts test function of hots/updates/tags node.
* @param bookUrl@book_test: Url argument of book node function, for test of book node alone.
sitedPath: string,
key: string,
callback: (
home_test: (
cback: (
doTest: (nodeName: 'hots' | 'updates' | 'tags', cb: () => Promise<void>
) => Promise<void>
) => Promise<void>
) => Promise<void>,
search_test: (cb: () => Promise<void>) => Promise<void>,
book_test: (bookUrl: string, from_where: 'from_externalValue', cb: () => Promise<void>) => Promise<void>,
tag_test: (tagUrl: string, from_where: string, cb: () => Promise<void>) => Promise<void>,
section_test: (sectionUrl: string, from_where: string, cb: () => Promise<void>) => Promise<void>,
subtag_test: (subtagUrl: string, from_where: string, cb: () => Promise<void>) => Promise<void>
) => Promise<void>
): Promise<void>
[ Features| API |Usage|Configuration|Dependencies|Links|]
1. After npm installs the project locally as
npm i sited_test
A. Uses Nodejs to run a js script like demo.js which requires the API within the sited_test directory.
// demo.js, has written file path of .sited or .sited.xml
(async () => {
var { sited_test, LogWriter } = require('./index');
var path = require('path');
var sitedPath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'demo.sited.xml');
var key = '我们';
await sited_test(
async (home_test, search_test, book_test, ...args) => {
async function cb(...args) {}
async function cback(doTest) {
if (doTest) {
await doTest('hots', cb);
await doTest('updates', cb);
await doTest('tags', cb);
await home_test(cback);
await search_test(cb);
// var bookUrl = 'http://... url argument of book node function such as the link in favorites';
// await book_test(bookUrl, 'from_externalValue', cb);
cd /path/to/node_modules/sited_test
node demo.js
or B.
# need not to cd
node /path/to/node_modules/sited_test/bin.js <sitedPath> [<key>]
# sitedPath: File path of .sited or .sited.xml.
# key(optional): A keyword string that is used for searching on search node, if not be inputted, built-in keyword of bin.js would be used.
or C. By the way, using Code Runner extension or built-in debugger to call Nodejs is quick, when you are editing sited plugin file on VS Code.
a. You can start Code Runner when editor focuses sited plugin file, after configuring Code Runner to execute .sited and .sited.xml as node command below, test the plugin directly, need not to write the plugin path, it will be identified by $fullFileName.
"code-runner.executorMapByGlob": {
"*.{sited,sited.xml}": "node /path/to/node_modules/sited_test/bin.js $fullFileName key"
// replace /path/to/node_modules/sited_test/bin.js with actual bin.js's path. If (key) be deleted, that built-in keyword of bin.js would be used.
or b. You can start debugging (sited_test) when editor focuses sited plugin file, after adding a debug configure to execute as node command below, test the plugin directly, need not to write the plugin path, it will be identified by ${file}.If you want to VS Code set breakpoints and pause in js code of plugin xml file, must add debugger;
statements outside global functions and in every function you want to pause.
"launch": {
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"name": "sited_test",
"type": "node",
"request": "launch",
// "cwd": "${fileDirname}",
"program": "/path/to/node_modules/sited_test/bin.js",
"args": ["${file}", "searchword"],
// "stopOnEntry": true,
"console": "internalConsole" // internalConsole integratedTerminal
replace /path/to/node_modules/sited_test/bin.js with actual bin.js's path. If "searchword"
was deleted, that built-in keyword of bin.js would be used.
or 2. After npm installs the project globally as
npm i sited_test -g
input single
on CLI will get:
Tests own SiteD plugin on Nodejs
sitedPath: File path of .sited or .sited.xml.
key(optional): A keyword string that is used for searching on search node, if not be inputted, built-in keyword of bin.js would be used.
Usage: sited_test <sitedPath> [key]
Usage: sited_test [options]
--version Show version number
--help Show help
--demo Tests a demo sited plugin
sited_test /path/to/sited.sited.xml #Outputs nodes' data to console on Nodejs.
npm run test
: Within the project directory on CLI, run this code, will test a demo sited plugin and output result to console.
SiteD plugin center: Official SiteD plugin center.
ddcat_plugin_develop: Knowledge about sited plugin development.
DDCat SiteD: Syntax extension for VS Code, enabled .sited and .sided.xml files in sited language, support syntax highlight.
generators-sited-plugin: Yeoman generator for sited plugin.
sited_test_py SiteD plugin testing tool for Python version.